
Can't even start to explain,was disapointed when S

I've finished my laying on the floor,staring up at the ceiling as if i was willing it to fall,bury me under debris and just let me lay there for an eternity.

I had finished my sulking,but never crying,finished the tears that never seemed to be there,they always managed to make me look like a rock,like an emotionless robot.

Now came the feeling hidden in the meaning,that ever lasting thought... My world had become a constant question since i met Her, and the answer was ever changing.

Who and what am I ? No no no,these questions were far to cliche,i was never one for the cliche's. Instead I'm asking who is She, what is She and why does the answer to those question effect ME?

We would converse about other places,other,more forgiving and wondrous places. We'd pray on that non-religious level,that we too, could one day join all the others, all those lucky specific ones,that led those,average and monotonous lifestyles,that would be a far cry better then our sporadic existences.


She used that word as if it would save her life, as much as I would use it,to try and rebuild myself time and time again.


A girl i once met, said how she longed to be different,to never know what was coming.

I could have smacked her.

It's true how human always wants the opposite of what it already possesses,but she couldn't have known,she couldn't have possibly guessed what some one who was 'different' had to go through on a daily bases.

Well i saw her name in the school paper the other day,it excited me to know if she really had achieved that perfect 'normal'.

It read that just after coming home one evening, head freshly shaved in her attempt to be unique,she was kicked out...

Well I'm sure that was her plan, now she could go join all the 'different' children that live in foster care.

I had told this to Her,she just ignored it then did the same to me.I wasn't sure when our friendship died,but it seemed like years until we spoke again.There was only one thing standing between all our failed attempts to salvage what we had.


We could not shut up. She would bother me for something She left me with ages ago, then i would reply with the answer. Her snide and vulgar comments would always act as a challenge. And i never felt so inclined to argue back...So i silently fought.

One day my status read, " I don't even wanna go there. Shut your mouth and just be civil,because this conversation is goin' nowhere." But god forbid She would get the hint.

As beautiful and stunning as She was,when it came to subtle wit,She was oblivious.

And as i sit here,typing away,plucking at the keyboard,it dawns on me that, yes, I am a fine human being,along with She...

But alas,we were never meant to be.