Status: haitus :(

The Girl That Filled My Dark


“Oi!” I jumped back surprised, “get a room!” I looked over to see Max smirking at us. Ronnie gave him a huge smile and put his middle finger up, Max pouted. Ronnie turned back to me and we started where we left off.

“Ewwwwww!” Max yelled again, I just smiled onto the kiss.

We had made out for the last 20 minutes or so and I knew he would have to go on soon.

“Hey Mr. I-insist-on-making-out-with-my-girlfriend-in-front-of-everyone. We’re on.” Robert yelled out to Ronnie. He groaned and stood up pulling me up with him.

I stopped him before he could go anywhere, “have you taken anything?” I was referring to drugs. He shook his head. “Promise?”

“Promise.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. Maybe he really is getting better.

He lead me over to the side of the stage where everyone else was waiting to go on or watching the other bands play. He had to run on stage as soon as we were close; the guys were already on waiting for him. They began to play Situations, they played great as always, the only thing different was that Ronnie looked more alive, he looked kinda dead before. I got bored just watching them; I’ve seen them enough times, so I went and sat down backstage. After a few minutes a guy came and sat with me. He introduced himself and we started talking. He was from The Dream The Chase and his name was Scott. After a while he asked me about Ronnie.

“So, you and Radke aye?”

“Yeah.” I smiled.

“How long have you been together?”

“Well, its kinda weird, but a week.” He looked at me funny, “What?” I laughed.

“It’s just; I thought you would have been dating for longer than that. I mean, you look like you’ve been together for years.”

“Well, we kinda have been, sort of. It’s complicated.”

“I’m sure I can keep up.”

“Well, long story short, he went to a party, got really wasted, cheated on me, I left and moved here. My friends decided to get me out of the house because I had become confined to my house, they took me to ETF, he saw me, blah blah blah, and now we’re back together.”

“He cheated on you? He can’t do that!” he started getting a little agro.

“Please Scott, don’t say anything to him. He’s had enough shit from my friends.”

“I wont don’t worry.”

“Thank you.” We kept talking and go onto him and his life; he told me he liked this girl.

“You’re a girl. What do you like?” he asked me, wanting tips to get with the girl he liked.

“Umm, well, every girl likes a gentleman. So I guess be one of them. Does she know you like her?”

“I haven’t told her, but I’m pretty sure she knows, like, I show her that I do.”

“I think you should ask her, I mean, what’s the worst thing that could happen? She’ll say no, but at least you will still be friends and you can try again later. And if she doesn’t wanna be your friend because of one little thing then she doesn’t deserve you.”

“That’s true, but I don’t wanna stuff it up.”

“You won’t. You have a show tomorrow, do it then. Invite her and do it on stage.”

“Okay, but will you come, for moral support? Plus you can come and see how good she is.”

“Sure I will! I can’t leave you there all by yourself can I.” I laughed. It was cold, I started rubbing my arms. Scott noticed and asked me if I wanted him to get a hoodie from their merch boxes. I shook my head but leaned over to get Ronnie’s that was just across from me on the ground. I put my hands into the pockets to keep them warm. I felt something in one of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
drama drama drama in the next few chapters.

please tell me what you think of it in the comments, i got 0 for the last chapter :(