Chasing Lights.


"No matter how hard I try to stay away from you, it gets harder. Don't you get it? You're like a leach, everytime your near, it's like you're holding onto me; and not letting go - and you know what scares me? The fact that I don't want you to let go, not now, not ever." - Joe Jonas.

Who ever said that becoming a stylist for the Jonas Brothers was going to be easy, they obviously haven't experienced it; or they were being plain stupid.

Because these next few months, years, or days I would actually prolong my list of personal hell around these three incompetent boys---would be the best and worst of my life.

Just don't expect me to tell you that it's all going to be rainbows and unicorns, because I'd be damned if I'm going to sit here and be picked apart like a rag doll by three boys with sugar coated lives.

Oh, and I'll never admit that for one second that Joe Jonas was right about me, because that would mean that he has won, and that will never happen - not under my watch.