Crystal Shards


“Crystal, I want you to find the Fullmetal Alchemist and bring him here safely and make sure no one gets hurt or worse.” Roy said in a worried tone as he rubbed his temples with worry.

I nodded in understanding before I left out the doors of central. I had heard stories about the Fullmetal Alchemist – which he and his brother tried to do what my family had done. I doubted that the storied were true. I straightened my short, black, skirt as I pulled my hood up to protect my long scarlet hair from the rain. My white, thigh – high boots were intricately knotted with red lace. I had a scar on the small of my back which was a very odd shape that I kept hidden at all times. I made my way out towards the center of the area and placed my hands on the ground. It was an old technique but it came in handy. It allowed me to pinpoint where a certain person is. He was there. The man with a scar on his forehead was standing next to the Fullmetal Alchemist in a park. I ran – faster than ever before in their direction.

“Are either of you three the Fullmetal Alchemist?” I asked as I stood at the top of the stairs.

“I am – but we have no time to talk – run!” The short amber eyed boy said running past me. The man with the scar on his forehead destroyed the stairs and we fell. I landed on my feet and the others were already running. I ran and caught up with them. Scar had the two cornered. The two ran – the short one with a knife he transmuted in his hand – the other just running – toward Scar.

“Stop,” I yelled, but it was too late. The man in the suit of armour had been touched by Scar and there was a gaping whole in the side of his armour – there was no one inside, “A soul attachment?”

The shorty – he must’ve been about four foot four – ran at Scar.

“Do you want to get yourself killed?” I asked once he hand been thrown backward – his arm still intact. I ran at him and aimed my kick at his head – he caught my foot and threw me into the wall. I winced as I slide down it but stood up again. The boy who said he was the Fullmetal Alchemist had thrown his red jacket away and changed his Auto – Mail arm into a knife. He ran at him but Scar caught and held his arm, destroying it in a matter of seconds. I regained my composure taking my scarlet gloves off, “You two – head back to central – I’ll hold him off!”

“No you can’t use Alchemy anymore.” Scar said standing over him.

“He may not be able to but I sure can!” I yelled thrusting my hands at his back – a transmutation circle carved into my skin. He let out a groan of pain as it burned his skin. He reached back quickly and held my head in his large hand.

“Prepare –“ He began before a gun fired, it was Roy with a lot of others with guns. He dropped me to the ground and stood up. That’s when Roy started to edge Scar on – making him run at himself. Riza ran – her blonde hair tightly bound – tripped Mustang at the last possible second and shot the two guns at Scar, one ricocheted off of my leg but left a scratch on my boot. He had dodged Armstrong’s attack but literally jumped into mine. Once he landed on my transmutation circle his legs started to stiffen – as if his bones were fusing together. He turned to me and – unfortunately landed a punch to my jaw. I was sent backwards a good twenty feet. I tried to get up but I couldn’t. Riza began shooting at him and wound up grazing his head sending his black glasses to the ground. He shot his hand to the ground and disappeared.

The two we had saved began fighting after a very touching moment, “They kind of remind me of my family when they were alive.”

“Crystal – you’re injured!” Roy yelled kneeling beside me, “It looks like a piece of Ed’s Auto – Mail. I’m going to take it out so it’ll hurt.” I nodded tucking my chin into my chest. Mustang pulled my jacket off gently and pulled out the large piece of metal. I let out a scream.

“So who exactly are you?” the blonde asked as we all sat in Roy’s office, my left arm had been bandaged and put into a sling.

“I am The Crystal Alchemist – my name’s Vanity though.” I said with a hard smile.

“I’m Al, but why do they call you The Crystal Alchemist?” The armour asked. The room gasped.

“I’ll show you.” I said standing up. I took my right hand and pulled part of my lace, undoing the entirety. The front flap fell away as the slides fell down, revealing my Crystal leg. The two gasped.

“How did you lose our legs?” Ed asked with wide eyes.

“In the same way you did – except she didn’t have a choice.” Roy interjected, “Her family decided to bring back her sister whilst using her without her knowledge. I believe she was younger than you were. It was at age eight right Vanity?” I nodded.

“Did the transmutation work?” He asked.

“Even with ten people it did not work.” I said strapping my shoe up using alchemy.

“You’ll plenty of time to talk while you three and Armstrong go and get your arm fixed.” Roy said sighing, “It’s about time for Vanity to have a tune up so once you’re finished head to Droulliard.”