Crystal Shards


I quickly made my way to the train station and bought myself a ticket on the train that was just boarding. I had to run to catch it. This train had beds! I quickly found my small compartment listed on the ticket and dove under the covers.

“Miss – we’ve arrived in Droulliard.” A motherly voice said opening the blinds of the bed. I got out of bed groggily and exited the train wiping the sleep from my eyes. The street lights lined the empty streets; the coble stones perfectly lined the streets. I walked through the town, and onto the dirt road. I went straight instead of the longer route I took the guys. This way went to where I hated most. My old home stood just off the path. A turned on my stop a couple times before walking through the door, the door laid in the front yard. I made my way down the stairs. As soon as my foot hit the first step I felt weak and vulnerable.

“I hope this is worth it.” I sighed creeping down the stairs. The large faded transmutation circle lay covered in dust on the floor. Open books laid sprawled open across the room, notes were sprawled in the margin. In the center of the room was a large bucket that smelled repulsive – mould. I recoiled backwards a bit from the smell.

I opened a tattered and yellowed notebook to the first page. “Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium, and Sulphur,” I read from the first page. Instructions on how much to put into syringes and were to inject each one into the body followed. “I get why I’m ‘the closet to being fully human….They used my dead body in the transmutation. I have to check something.”

I placed the book on the desk, ran up the stairs and out the door to where the town graveyard was with a shovel. I searched each row of stones for a familiar name. Flowers – mostly lilies and roses – lay on the graves.

Vanity Delarose – my name. I gulped back tears as I plunged the shovel into the ground, jumping on it to drive it deeper into the ground. Once I had dug to the point a coffin should be fully unearth, I stopped. Nothing was in the grave. I felt my heart pound in my chest as realization hit me. I was a Homunculus. I quickly filled the grave, and crashed the shovel into the tombstone – breaking both. I turned and walked back onto the road. Tears rolled down my face. My pace sped up until I broke out into a run. I tore my jacket off and ran down the dirt road into town.
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Hope you all enjoy the new Layout and Banner!

Sorry this chapter took sooo damn long T.T