Crystal Shards


I had stayed in a hotel in town that night. I had a plan that morning. I left the hotel and made my way back to my house, up the steps, down the stairs and into the basement. I opened up a note book that was covered in dust and had large words written in cursive on the front. Plan. I skimmed through the pages. Ingredients, directions, outlines, and other such idea lined every line.

‘We are using Vanity’s dead body as a ‘mould’ and injecting some of the legendary philosopher’s stone into her blood that was given to us by a blonde man who did not give us his name. We are putting our nine lives on the line to bring our sister back to life. He also gave us the diagram and where each of us will be placed. Before he left he said his name was Elric, he also said that we would be close.” I closed the book and slipped it into my bag. I reached down and found a smaller and neater notebook. I opened it and began reading.

‘Thanks to Chloe’s calculations, our bodies will be enough to bring Vanity back in tact, excluding her legs. According to “Misaki’s Guide to the Gate” her legs will be stuck on the other side. If Vanity comes back and reads this in the future, we love you. You died from a very bad case of influenza. If you use the Stone that should exist inside you, you’ll be able to go into the gate and retrieve your legs. Farewell.’ That was the last thing written. A tear slide down my face. I slid the book into my pack and kneeled down in front of the circle. I clapped my hands together and placed them on the dusty circle. Everything glowed with a red hue and a large eye opened up in the center of the circle. I tried to stay composed as best I could. Large black hands reached out toward me and pulled me in. I saw flashed of years of alchemy in long streams, I now knew how Ed preformed transmutation without a circle. I was thrust through a large gate into a room with another door in front of the one I had just come out of. A white silhouette of a child quickly grew into a teenager. My legs were attached to it.

“Came back for your legs huh?” It asked laughing. “We’ve been waiting till we could give ‘em back.” I felt a sudden surge of pain stab the lower half of my body. My crystal legs had been shattered and I fell on my back. I saw the silhouette fade. Another sudden surge of pain rattled through me as I felt my nerves, tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones and veins attached to each other again. I threw my head back as one last wave of pain washed over me. I shut my eyes to try and deal with the pain. Once the pain subsided I opened my eyes slowly. I was lying in the center of the transmutation circle, where blood stains shot out of where my new legs where. I propped my self onto an elbow and held my head with my free hand. Glass was spread around.

“What just happened?” I asked myself as I stood up shakily. I was not used to fleshy legs. I steadily and slowly made my way up the stairs, latching onto the old rotten railing for support. I made my way out the door and up the road to Richards’s house. It was just after noon so the streets in town would be busy as hell. I stumbled and almost fell a couple times up the steep dirt road. The dark grey roof of Richard’s house came into view. I saw a quick flap of the curtains on the top floor, his father’s room. I made it up to the stone path when the two burst out of the door.

“Vanity!” Richard yelled rushing to my side as I dropped to my knees. His strong arms caught me before my face would have had a very personal meeting with the ground.

“What happened?” His father, William, asked as his son brought me lightly into his arms.

“I opened the door again.” I said, my voice cracking, “I got my leg back.” Both of their faces held shock.

“You have to be kidding, there’s no way to bring back your legs.” Richard said walking up the steps, “And that Crystal – Mail was me masterpiece, you destroyed that and you’re in trouble!”

“Guess I’m in trouble then.” I said putting a weak smirk onto my face. He laid me down on the spare. He pulled the laces on my shoes. I heard him let out a gasp.

“Dear god.” He said poking my leg, “My wonderful work is gone!”

“How do you feel Vanity?” William asked giving me a icepack to put on my forehead.

“Like shit.” I chuckled.

“Just get some rest.” Richard said laying a quilted blanket over me. I nodded as was immediately thrust into a deep sleep.