Crystal Shards


“Hey Winry.” I said tiredly into the phone.

“Where are you?” She yelled into the other end. I held it away from my ear a smidge.

“I’m at Richards’s house – but don’t come down here. I’ll be back in Central soon.” I said slowly. “Don’t tell Ed.”

“You expect me not to phone Ed and tell him that you went to Droulliard with out him?”

“Yes.” I said simply.

She sighed, “I won’t tell him as long as you tell me what happened.”

“Fine,” I said exhaling, “I went to research what my family did to bring me back – and I kind of, opened the gate.”

“You opened the gate?” She yelled into the phone.

“I got my legs back!” I said defensively.

“You got your legs back-oh my god you got your legs back!” She said gleefully.

“I’ll be on the next train to Central that I can catch.” I said sitting up.

“Phone me once you tell the brothers what happened.”

“I will.”

“Bye.” She hung up. I sighed, got out of bed, went back to my hotel to get my stuff and bought a ticket for the train that was set to leave in three minutes. I got on no prob.

I sat alone in the last car with my hand propped up on my palm. I wouldn’t be able to use my legs to block attacks anymore – which would make me have to change my fighting style.

“Excuse me, would you happen to be the Crystal Alchemist?” I nodded and she handed me the phone in her hand.

“Hello.” I said.

“Where the hell are you?” A voice yelled on the other end. It was Ed.

“I’m on a train headed towards central. I’ll be there in about eight hours. But why on earth would you phone me?”

“I phoned Winry who told me to call you at Richard’s because you had big news. So I phoned the womanizer, and he said that you left so he gave me this number. So what’s the big news that Winry was sooo happy about?”

I grinned, “You’ll find out in eight hours.” I hung up as he yelled on the other end. I handed the phone back to the attendant and she scurried away.

I walked off of the train with my bag slung over a shoulder.

“Vanity!” Ed yelled from the end of the platform. I smiled and made my way over to them.

“Hey guys.” I said waving.

“Now what the hell is it that you couldn’t tell me on the phone?”

“Um, brother,” Al said timidly, his eyes on my legs

“What is it Al?”

“Vanity’s legs.” Both of there eyes where on my legs. Ed quickly grabbed a leg almost making me fall.

“Are these real? You actually got your legs back!? That’s great – now Al might be able to get his back!”

“I’ll tell you when we’re in a more private place.” I giggled taking my leg back.

“Oh yeah – we got you a ticket to come to North City with us.” Ed said handing it too me.

“Great, another long train ride.” I said sarcastically.
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Just a quick little update. Sorry I havn't posted anything in a while - with wrestling and my science project - ARGH! Enjoy!