Crystal Shards


I sat across from Ed and Armstrong, a book in my right hand. The train ride passed by very quickly since we soon arrived in Resembool the next day. We made our way through the town and up a dirt road towards a house on a hill. We were greeted by a dog.

“Hey Granny – this is Major Armstrong and she’s Vanity.” Ed introduced us to the short old woman standing next to the dog.

“Ah Vanity – it’s been a while.” Pinako said smiling – you’ve grown a lot since then.”

“Well the last time I seen you was about five years ago. Is Winry still – “ I began before a tall blonde girl throw a wrench at Ed’s head.

“Welcome back you two! Oh my gosh, is that you Vanity? I haven’t seen you since we were kids!” Winry yelled running through the house to pop out the door and tackled me to the ground.

“I had a feeling you’d be here!” I said trying to breath through her bear hug.

“Have you finally decided to give up on Richard and come to me? I’m much less painful!”

“Richard’s still doing me.” I said laughing.

“Richard’s doing what?” Ed yelled in surprise.

“He does my Crystal Mail.” I said simply. His face fell of realization.

“You should make it clearer next time!” He yelled in anger.

“Shut up Ed!” Winry yelled chucking a monkey’s wrench at him.

During the next three days that Ed’s arm was getting rebuilt I was wandering around the village aimlessly. I had found some charred remains of a house – which Winry later told me was Ed’s home. I later found his moms grave – and I guessed that the bundle of flowers were from Ed. He had tried to bring her back.