Crystal Shards


When we arrived at Marcoh’s research data location – it was burnt to the ground. Ed was, simply, pissed. Two people from Central were sent to switch their body guard duty with Armstrong and I, 2nd Lt. Ross and Sergeant Brosh.

“See you two around.” I said leaving the charred remains of the library. I went to Central to see if they needed me for anything but there was nothing that they wanted me to do. I spent the rest of the day cleaning my apartment I hadn’t stepped into for the past two weeks. Once I was finally finished I collapsed onto the sofa just as a rapid knocking came from the door. I waited a few moments but they didn’t stop so got up and answered the door. It was Ross and Brosh, both of which looked horrible.

“We’ve lost the Elric Brothers!” They cried, “We need your help to find them!”

I leaned against the door frame, “And why can’t you go and find them yourselves?”

“We think they went to Warehouse Five.” Ross cried trying to look composed. I shut the door in their face and went into my bedroom. I opened the desk drawer and took out my leg strap and gun, placing it onto my thigh. I immediately ran from the apartment, the two following.

“You two go and get back up from Central!” I said as the warehouse came into view. There was no guard there like there had been. I cursed under my breath as I opened the door and burst down the hall, an illuminated room ahead. I burst into the light to a bloody Ed getting beaten by a woman with large… Knockers, and a – he or she – I couldn’t tell.

“Vanity – get out of here!” He yelled as the … it hit him in his gut holding his braid before he dropped him to the ground.

“Oh Vanity – we’ve been waiting for you to join our ranks.” The woman said advancing toward me licking her long fingernails, “I’m Lust – this is Wrath. You’re the farthest anyone’s gotten so far, lucky you.”

“I’m joining anything, now just let me get out of here with Edward and I’ll spare your lives.” I said as I burnt my gloves away.

“Looks like I’ll have some fun fighting someone like her.” Wrath said smiling like a mad man. He charged at me with his sword ready to strike. I kicked it down with my legs and grabbed onto his ankles – burning them. He let out a groan as he shock me off. I attached my legs around his waist and hoisted myself up, burning his wrists. He kicked his sword up and tried stabbing it into my leg. I smirked as it broke, but the blade sliced my side as it fell to the ground. I placed my hands on the ground and kicked him hard in the jaw spinning around. Lust had started to destroy the building.

“Buh bye.” She said as they ran off. I ran to Ed and picked him up onto my back, my bad arm hurt like hell. I ran out of the room just in time and down the hallway, out the door. Ross, Brosh, and Al were already a safe distance away from the lab. We got Ed to the hospital quickly. He was going to be fine. I left before anyone could say anything to me or have me checked out. I slept through the night pretty well until the phone rang at ten.