Crystal Shards


“Hey Vanity, it’s Winry! I’m at the train station – do you think you could come pick me up?” She asked happily.

“Oh, hi, yeah I can come – we just visited you like…a week ago, why’d you come out here?” I asked holding the phone with my shoulder as I slide on my skirt and did up my shoes. Since my jacket was now ruined from the blood and was indecently torn and rugged I was forced to wear my State Alchemist jacket.

“I kinda forgot to put a screw into Ed’s Auto – Mail.”

I laughed, “That’d explain why he’s in the hospital! I’ll be there soon.” I hung up before she could reply.

“Vanity!” Winry yelled hugging me once I arrived at the station gate. “You look so sexy in that outfit! Oh, did you get taller?”

“You should where skirts more often – your legs look gorgeous in them.” I said as we walked out of the station toward the hospital, “How long are you planning on staying? You can totally share my pad with me.”

“I’d totally love to stay.” She said evilly as we walked. When we got to the hospital and entered Ed’s room she stopped dead in her tracks. “You had to save his sorry little ass?”

I nodded with the same surprised face. “Even though he’s small he weighs a ton.”

“That’s the first time I’ve seen you in your Uniform Crystal.” Brosh said looking away, red clearly on his face.

Ed was such an idiot he hadn’t even realised that he was missing a screw – so Winry didn’t mention it. He kept saying that it was his fault that he broke his arm.

“You didn’t drink your Milk.” Winry said sadly before she lashed out, “How do you expect to grow if you don’t drink your Milk!?”

“There’s an upside to Ed not drinking his milk though, he’ll stay proportioned.” I said chuckling. The door opened and a nurse popped her head in.

“Crystal Alchemist – Central’s on the phone, they wish to speak with you.” She said before she closed the door. I nodded and followed her to the phone. It was the Fuhrer.

“Crystal – I’m putting you on permanent Guard duty of the Elric Brothers – If they leave the city you leave with them unless I give you orders otherwise. Understood?”

“Yes Fuhrer Bradley,” I said in a stiff tone as he hung up. I sighed, just great. “Excuse me nurse, but when will Ed be out?”

“He won’t be out for a little while yet.” She said smiling.

“Thank you.” I replied as I made my way toward the room, but Hughes was pulling Winry away against her will.

‘I’m sorry Vanity!” She cried as they left the building. I sighed and went back to my apartment to get a little drunk before I had to have hell in my life again.