Crystal Shards


Ed had lost most of his Auto – Mail arm in the fight a couple days ago so we had to go back to Rush Valley and find Winry so she could fix him up. Ed wouldn’t talk that much to me since he heard what Greed had said. Izumi and all kept telling both of us that I was still as close to human the four of us were going to get. I always lagged a couple steps behind the brothers. Winry went ballistic when she seen the state Ed’s arm was in. She and I went to go get the supplies she needed to fix his arm so she sent them to wander the town. I told her about what Greed had said.

“Don’t let Ed bother you – you’re still human no matter what. You’re just a human who can heal herself.” Winry said to me as we walked into yet another store. “He got beat up by those two at the warehouse and then Greed, he’s probably confused because you’re a perfectly nice and wonderful human. And besides, Ed’s an idiot.” I noticed how she stressed the word human. When we arrived back Ed was beating someone in foreign clothes with his arm which had torn off. I chuckled lightly as Winry beat him us.

“Let’s go to central after the arm’s done so I can thank Hughes.” Winry suggested. We had to go there anyway so we agreed to it. I decided to go to bed early since I knew Winry would bring up what happened to Ed. I could hear Winry’s yelling through the pillows and blankets. I sighed, turning over once more trying to drone her out. I heard the door open, close, and I felt the end of the bed sink down a bit.

“Vanity, are you awake?” It was Ed, and he sounded remorseful. I muttered a faint yes, “Look, I’m sorry. When Greed started talking about you like that I didn’t know what to think. I still don’t know what to think. But, well… Good night.” He left the room slowly and I didn’t know what to think. Did the ‘great’ arrogant Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist just apologize to me? His superior?

When we were on the train to central I was about to sit next to Winry - but Ed grabbed my hand and pulled me into the seat beside him. Once we arrived in Central the prince from Xing had gone missing. Winry left to visit Hughes while I had to accompany Ed and Al to Central. When we arrived at Central we were greeted by Riza and Roy. I leaned against the window. Ed started to talk about Hughes and I could tell that Roy was making a cover lie. Hughes was dead, not working in the country, not retired, but he was dead. Ed turned and bumped into second lt. Ross. She thought they knew that he was dead – but they didn’t. That’s when Ed ran off leaving his suitcase behind. I ran after him. Damn he was fast. When I finally caught up to him he was leaning against a wall in a dark cluttered alley.

“Ed.” I muttered placing a hand on his shoulder; he turned into me and wrapped his arms around my upper back. “It’s not your fault he died.” When we arrived at the Hughes’ residence we sat down on the couch as Gracia told us exactly what happened from what she was told.

“We basically dragged him into this…” Ed said holding back tears, “I’m terribly sorry.” Gracia actually wanted Ed and Al to continue researching about the philosopher’s stone, in Hughes’ memory. I insisted that they stay at my place but they insisted on staying in a hotel. When I got home I collapsed onto my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke to someone banging on the door. I ruffled my messy hair a bit as I stood and opened the door.

“Vanity – Roy wants to see you around six tonight. It’s an order from Central. Hurry.” Armstrong said once the door was open. I nodded and closed the door as he walked away. I pulled my state jacket over top of my cherry – red tank top and tied up my shoes. I grabbed a slice of toast and made my way to Central.

I knocked on the door, “Enter.” The voice boomed on the other side. I opened the door and Roy Beamed. “Vanity – you came fast.”

“Armstrong told me to hurry down here so I did.” I said sitting on the edge of his desk.

“I want you to patrol around the west side tonight. Don’t worry about guarding Ed, he’s out of the country.” He said leaning back in his chair, the phone between his shoulder and chin. I nodded courtly. He pulled a small rifle out with a long barrel. “You’ll want that too. The Fuhrer and I believe you’ll be the only one who can kill Homunculi with what we know of them so far. From our sources they’re going to terrorise the city tonight.”

I nodded again, slipping the rifle into the empty holster on my upper thigh. I left through the door – shooting a glare at a few guys whispering under their breath looking in my direction. Once I was outside I started on the west side of town – not a good neighbourhood but not a bad one either. I must’ve passed the same dilapidated flower shop once every half hour. On the eighth time I sighed and sat on an empty bench, holding my head in my hands. I felt someone grab my wrists – pulling me off of the bench. I was instantly thrown over someone’s shoulder in one swift motion. Something had been tied tightly around my mouth preventing me to speak.

“Don’t struggle sissy.” A proud voice said, “We’re going to meet our brothers and sisters.” I kicked my legs out trying to get them to land on something at least. I felt his other arm wrap around my legs and hold them diagonally preventing me from moving. He was running fast until I felt a sudden jolt and I heard his foot collide with a door.

“You’re finally back – took you long enough, I have to meet some people soon.” A seductive voice said from behind me. I felt my body collide with a hard wall. My vision was vibrating as I tried to focus on the familiar outlines.

“A pervert like him fell for that huge chest of yours.” He said laughing. I rubbed my shoulder lightly.

“Can I eat sissy?” Another voice asked that must’ve come from a short, fat, man.

“No Gluttony – this one’s one of us.” The seductive voice said again.

“I’m not one of you!” I growled knelling, finger tips barely touching the ground.

“Just give in to it already! You’re a Homunculus!” The one who I remembered from the warehouse as the one I couldn’t tell the gender of.

“I’m human!” I said through gritted teeth.

“Fine you’re mostly human – but that’s as high as we’ll go!”

“Envy – stop confusing Vanity!” The girl with the large knockers said.

“But Lust!” Envy said whining. My anger fall into annoyance.

“Look here Vanity – you have the Ouroboros mark. It’s given to all homunculi when we are made. Do you wonder why almost everyone in Droulliard tries to avoid you? It’s because they know what you are. You were the one who died – not your sister – you!” Lust explained chuckling.

I looked at her with disbelief, “You’re lying – Richard would’ve told me!”

“Then why don’t you go and ask him?” Envy laughed cart wheeling.

“I want to taste her.” Gluttony whined.

I pulled myself back a smidge, “I am not something that just came out of the oven – although I love my natural tan. Wait – I’m out of here!” I rose and made my way to the door. A hand whose fingers can become sharp knives dug into the door.

“We can’t let one of us leave so easily, now can we?” Lust asked taking her hand out of the door and running it along my face, leaving a slight cut along my cheek. My hand stayed on the door knob. I turned to face them for a moment – smirked – and ran out the door as quickly as I could. I ran through the city, weaving between buildings and the odd person who was about, until I was sure I had lost them. I sighed and went to go check on Winry and Al at their hotel. There was a bunch of yelling from the hotel room.

“Open up!” I yelled knocking on the door. A few seconds later it opened and the Prince of Xing and his protector were kicked out into the hall.

“Oh it’s you.” Ed said holding the door open.

“Yeah it’s me.” I sighed walking in and setting myself down on the couch.

“Vanity – what happened?” Winry asked taking a look at my check.

“Oh I just cut myself cooking.” I lied. Ed sat himself down beside me with some gauze and tape in his hands and began to clean the cut. It stung.

“That’s not what happened – you know it and I know it.” Winry said putting her hands on her hips.

“That’s exactly what – painful!” Ed had pressed the cotton ball with antiseptic hard against the cut. “Fine I’ll tell you what happened!” I explained what had just occurred and what lust had said.

“But if that happened… then how come when Al and I tried to bring back our mom it didn’t work?” Ed asked.

“I don’t know… But I will find out what my family did.”

“Oh – we’re coming with you!” Winry smiled. “I haven’t seen Richard in forever anyway!”

“That’s just great!” I said placing a large fake smile on my face. How was I going to research my family’s research with them there? I rose making my way to the door. “Well I’m going back to my apartment – see you all in the morning – bright and early!”

“I’ll walk you home.” Ed said rising from his seat too. I turned and looked over shoulder.

“It’s not necessary.” I said a smidge coldly. I turned and made my way out the door. That was not me.