A Little Piece of Heaven

I've Got You

Chapter Two ~ I've Got You

The sun burned into my eyelids grudgingly. I hate the sun.
I wanted to sleep but, no, it wouldn't let me. Slowly opening my left eye, I let it adjust the swirling mass of colors and misshapened blobs. Afer letting it adjust, I opened the right eye and did the same.
Sitting up slowly, I let the covers fall off my bare chest as I rubbed my eyes clean of any crust.
I looked to my left and found my pocketwatch lying abandoned on the floorboards. I flipped open the engraved fron and found it was 7:57 a.m. The shop opened in an hour and three minutes.
I looked at George's snoring figure and smiled at his utterly sexy sleeping face. I find people are the most innocent when they sleep. Makes them look younger and harmless.
Setting it on my nightstand, I leaned over to George and shook his shoulder gently. My fingers were absolutely cold compared to his sauna-like skin.
George's head picked up and he grumbled out: "Sumfin' wrong?"
"No, not really." I replied and he put his head back, going back to snoring. "But we have an hour before shop opens."
He didn't reply back.
So I did what any other woman in my position and state of mind would do. I reached below the sheets and George bolted onto his elbows for more leverage.
He gave me a mischievious smile and quickly twisted so he could push me down onto the bed and lay on top of me.
"That wasn't very nice, Aria Elizabeth Weasley! You shouldn't do that to your husband!" George said teasingly as he kissed my lips. It was nice to see him in an ace mood.
"Oh, and you don't to me?" I shot back, smiling slyly as we kissed again.
Our snogging was about to go farther when there was a giant bang on our bedroom door.
I freaked and shoved George off of me, sending him crashing to the floor.
"George, Aria?" came the motherly voice of Molly Weasley, my dear mother-in-law. "Are you all right in there?"
"Peachy, Mum!" George scrambled up off the floor, pulling the covers around his waist, leaving me naked on our large mattress. He just gave me a look as I sat there comfortably as he scrounged for clothes.
"What are you doing? My mother is here! Get dressed!" he pressed me pleadingly.
"Fine, but I was just trying to enjoy a view that was utterly disturbed." I sighed and his facial expression was priceless.
I quickly got dressed in my undies and corset. I found a pair of George's sweatpants and slipped them on. Slipping my shoulder length hair into a quick, lazy ponytail; I opened the door for Molly.
"'Mornin' Mum." George said as he slipped on a tee only to have his head go into the armhole. Then he tripped over his trouser leg.
"He's not co-ordinated this morning." I laughed as Molly pulled me into a giant, bone-crushing hug. "What brings you around this morning?"
"What - what brings me around?" she asked as if I offended her. George was still struggling with his currently trapped head on the floor grunting and cursing loudly. "George, watch your mouth!"
"Um, is it important?" I asked. I was confused majorly.
"Important! You don't even know your own anniversary? Aria, I'm ashamed! You two have been married for two years today!" Molly gave me a stern look.
"Molly and I will take care of the children! You two go and have fun today." I looked past Molly to see my lovable father-in-law, Arthur, standing in the kids' doorway with Fred attached to his neck tightly.
"Anniversary, today?" George asked, finally untangled and his shirt on properly, putting an arm on my shoulder protectively.
"But George and I have nothing to do!" I blurted out absently.
"Pish posh!" Molly objected, "You two can stay home, go out for supper, treat yourselves to a kid-free, jobless day together." She was busy tucking stray strands of hair behind my ears and straightening my corset.
"But we already did that last ni- OW!" George didn't have time to finish because I had stomped on his foot to keep him from saying anything more.
"Have fun!"
Before we could object, Molly and Arthur had kidnapped our children to the Burrow.
It was a few moments before George and I could process what had just happened.
"My parents just stole our kids!" George bellowed after the long silence. I put my hand on his chest to calm him.
"George, we've been married for two years today."
George opened his mouth to speak but it just froze as did he. Jumping back to life after some contemplation, he gave me a bewildered look.
"Two years?"
I nodded with a passive look on my face.
Then his face split into a grin as he picked me up and swung me around. "Thank you so much!"
I got thrown onto the bed and George started to pull my sweats off only to have them get stuck at my ankles. He flapped and pulled and tugged, shaking my lower half around wildly.
"George!" I shouted loudly causing him to stop.
"Yes, Mother?" he asked innocently.
"You should just flick them off like this," I reached over, bending forward and flicked off the sweats easily, "it's much easier."
"You really were a Ravenclaw!" George began to undress himself as I unlaced my corset.
"For an anniversary, it's ending up much like our honeymoon." I mumbled as I dropped the red fabric covered gut-sucker onto the floor once more. I stood up to pull off my undies when George pulled my hands up into the air.
"Those - are mine." he smirked as he kissed me roughly. We fell back onto the bed and pulled the covers over our heads.

"Ars, I'm hungry." George whined three hours later as I came out of the shower. He was still lying on the bed with just a small amount of sheet covering his waist and hip area. He scratched his flat stomach and sighed.
"Want to go to a nice restaurant in the Muggle world? I feel like Asian cuisine." I began waving my wand around and my clothes magically appeared on my body. "Take a shower, I'll go to Gringott's."
George got up, not bothering to cover up. It didn't bother me in the slightest.
After all, I am an exhibitionist. I feel very comfortable in my own skin. I could be a nudist if I wanted to but I like my corsets.
Wrapping his arms around me, he sighed in content. After a few moments of silence he released me and went into our bathroom.
I stood in front of the mirror and began going through many color changes for my hair. I settled on a nice lilac purple and turned my eyes a deep brown. I applied my make up by hand, it always looked better than when I do it magically.
I looked less garish than I did back at Hogwarts. I had decided that now I was a married woman with two children and co-owner of a very successful joke shop, I needed to be more presentable.
But I still loved the look and integrated it into my new look.
"I'm wearing the pirate belt!" Geoge ran out in a pair of fitted jeans, his naked upper half was glistening with water.
"George! Dry yourself off!" I waved my wand and the water evaporated.
He quickly pulled on a grey graphic tee I picked up in a Muggle shop and slipped my pirate skull belt into his jean loops. "Let's go. Have you gone to Gringott's yet?"
"No, I was doing my make-up and you showered too fast." I replied back calmly as we gripped each other's hand and walked into the living room. I quickly made everything I needed zoom magically into my waiting arms.
"Ready?" George asked as his eyes went a bit glazed. He was thinking of the entrance to Gringott's.
"Yes." I said and before I could blink, I was being squeezed through a dark black tube.
George and I landed nicely at the heavy doors and entered.

I deposited the money and got a currency exchange for Muggle money. Giving George a once-over, we linked hands again and walked out of Gringott's.
We found a rather disappointed crowd outside our store and George made a small sign appear in the door. 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes will be closed today due to familial concerns. Sorry for any inconvenience.'
I chuckled and rested my head against my tall husband's muscular, lean arm.
I have loved George since I first met him and Fred. As much as I was under a behavior potion, I still found them quite interesting. Even though they called me a bag. Bloody gits.
When Fred died, I would always chase George around to make sure he didn't try to kill himself. After the first two days, it was as if he hit a do-nothing switch. I would always find him lying on his bed and fought with him to get up. His depression was affecting me.
I had managed to punch Mrs. Weasley's clock in and ripped off Fred and George's taunting hand. Photo George had moved over and occupied Ron's together. You know the clock. Fred was stuck on mortal peril. Pissed me off.
Mrs. Weasley would always burst into tears if she saw George so he just stayed in his and Fre- his room with me. We would only leave for bathroom breaks and when food was called, two plates levitated past the door for us.
I looked up from my mental slideshow of happy memories only to be picked up and carried on George's shoulder.
"Hey!" I giggled at his playfulness. "George!"
"Where to first?" he asked as many Muggle passers-by stared at our childish display.
"Let's go shopping. I know a great store in Covent Garden." I said waving at a small girl who gaped at my hair. My pink lips were pulled back in a grin.
I paid for our day passes on the tube and we walked down the escalator. George tried walking through the automatic gates without swiping his card, which I had, and stumbled back shocked.
"It won't work!" he said with a hint of childish shock.
"Hold on." I swiped his card and he walked through with an air of embarrassment. I had lived in the Muggle world after I had left him so I was quite used to all the Muggle-ness of everything.
"Bloody hell, what is -"
"-with this place?" I finished his sentence automatically. It was second nature.
"It's bloody packed!"
"It's a business day and Muggle school hasn't started yet." I pushed through the crowd and got to the front of the platform. George looked warily at all the men and women in plain grey and black work suits. Some kids mulled about wearing very bland colors as well. I looked very out of place with my colorful clothes and vibrant hair.
"Nice to know I won't lose you in a crowd, huh, Ars?" George joked as he poked me under my armpit.
I let out a rather girlish squeal and got glared at by many Muggles. "And vice versa. You're so tall I'd just have to look for the bloke with a missing ear and orange hair that towers over everyone."
"That was not nice."
"Gentlemen aren't nice."
"Yeah, you say that but you say I'm nice."
"That's because you're not a gentleman. You're George Weasley, owner of W three." I said our shortened name of the shop so no one would know what we were talking about.
"Ah, true. Ooh, look! It's moving so fast!" George was like a small child. He was pointing hurriedly at the white train nose heading our direction. I'd hate to see what his father would be like in a place like this.
I kept ignoring many of the stares and odd looks as we found seats on the cramped segment of the metal contraption.
"Oh Merlin! We're moving!" George shouted out and gripped my arm shaking along with the train. "Ars! It's moving! I can feel it shaking!"
I turned to the elderly woman across from us and smiled, leaning forward a bit. "He just got out today. Poor man's been locked up since he was three."
"Ars! Help!"George was freaking at the rocking motion. "I think I'm gonna be sick!"
"George Weasley!" I screeched, matching the exact pitch of his mother. I'm good at impersonations, wih my vocal training and all. "Calm down!"
I gave him a good cuff on the back of his head.
"My wife is abusive!" George earned a few murmurs back at the comment from surrounding men.
"George, stop freaking out. You're making everyone stare. As much as I like attention, it's very unnerving." I whispered hoarsely at him. He nodded in understanding.

Our anniversary was splendid. George had fun running around like a little child. Even though he is a twenty four year old man who's married and has two kids.
But it goes along with the job.
Smiling, I gripped his hand in mine and kissed his healed ear hole. We walked to a deserted alley and Apparated home.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm still wearing a lamp shade on my head...