Silver Lining

Chapter 4

"Matt! Wake up, it's 6:30! You're going to be late!" Matt heard his mom yell from the bottom of the stairs.

Matt groaned, and pulled the covers up to cover his head.

"Rough night?" Jacob asked.

"AAAHH!" Matt jumped out of his bed. "Crap!"

"Aw, baby. Did I scare you?" Jacob asked teasingly.

"'re not some messed up dream?" Matt asked amazed.

"Hmm.......I don't know. Let me check." He looked down at himself "I don't know. What do you think?"

"God, you're bitchier than I remember."

"Oh, yeah, 'cuz I was really sweet last night."

"Ouch, sarcasm. And even after we cuddled last night."

"Shut up!"

"Whatever, I gotta get ready." Matt went to his closet, and began looking through it.
After finding what to wear, he trudged to the bathroom across the hall, since the ghost in his room refused to leave. Something about ‘not being able to leave what he's protecting’.

Matt walked into the bathroom, and looked into the mirror. He stared at his pale skin, gray eyes, and onyx black hair that barely touched his shoulders; he wasn't very tall, but not short either. People said he looked kinda feminine. 'Can anyone spell gay?' He started to apply his eyeliner. 'Hey, having gray eyes for no one to notice them is kinda stupid '

He walked downstairs with his plain black backpack over his shoulder.

"Matt, would you like some breakfast?" his mom asked from the kitchen "I made waffles!"

"No, thanks! I'm just gonna get going." he called while grabbing a pear, from the center of the dinner table.

"But the bus doesn't get to the corner until at least another half-hour!"

"I'm going to walk. I need to get my locker, and schedule." he said nearing the front door.

"Ok, but be careful, honey!" he heard before he walked out the door.

He pulled out his iPod, and turned it on to "If you live by the sword, you die the by the sword." by "And then I turned seven" One of his favorites.

I open my eyes, but I still manage to dream
This cold bathroom floor, now just feels like home to me
I stumble to the mirror, and I naturally start to clean
But my body's scorned with marks, that say ,these aren't the last lines that I'll see..

He began to sing along, he was told that he wasn't a bad singer, so he enjoyed singing. It was like his own talent, like some people had drawing or acting, he had singing. He kept on walking while singing the song, unaware that someone was walking close behind was listening.

So please cut this string, attached to my wrists
Buried in my shaking palm, I hold this evil in my fist
I relive my pain, with every scar
It's a battle field of memories, that just won't go away, for me....

"Um...excuse me?" a voice tried making contact with a singing Matt.

Matt, as clueless as ever, started playing an air-guitar, using his pear as a guitar pick. By this point the voice had given up, and just watched amused.

This world has tied me down, and the knot keeps tightening
Cause I'm just a puppet, dangling from this breaking string
But maybe I'll turn, this blade the other way
And roll up my sleeves to let the scars show my mistakes

Matt kept on walking, now that he was finished with his air-guitar routine, he kept taking bites off his pear. 'It would have been embarrassing if anyone saw that'

He closed his eyes, and kept on walking in a straight line, he had just crossed the last traffic light, so now it was just a straight walk, down to the school.

So please cut this string, attached to my wrists
Buried in my shaking palm, I hold this evil in my fist
I relive my pain, with every scar
It's a battle field of memories, that just won't go away, for me....

The person walking behind Matt, saw the boy keep on walking. They were getting near the next street, but Matt just kept his pace. 'If this kid keeps walking like that, he could get run-over.'

You couldn't make the cut, so now you'll make this cut
You couldn't make the cut, so now you'll make this cut
You couldn't make the cut, so now you'll make this cut
You couldn't make the cut, so now you'll make this cut

Matt kept his eyes closed, and sang. He didn't notice anything besides the song he was singing. So he didn't notice the car coming down the street, a little too fast. He walked into the street, it wasn't until the car honked, and the headlights were blinding his eyes, that he noticed the car. By then it was too late. A half-eaten pear fell onto the concrete.

I can't breathe, I'm in need, where's my crimson savior?
No I won't crawl back just to bleed,
Forgive me, I promise I'll stay clean
♠ ♠ ♠
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