Life Saver

Destiny James Kingston ran away from home because of troubles arising. The day after he disappeared the school went into a riot. No one understood why any of this would be happening to Destiny. He's a short, quiet, calm, friendly, caring kid. He's loved by everyone in the town. Who would do this to him?

"I had to run. You wouldn't understand," I let out with a sigh. Taking a seat on the bench, he sat next to me letting out a sigh of his own.

"You don't know that," he replied; his voice coming out soft and caring. It seemed almost welcoming.

"I don't want to get you involved," I countered, sinking back into the bench. I truly hope it'll swollow me whole and stop all this nonsense.

Kyel Jonythan Davis moved to Park Manor not long after Destiny disappeared. Hearing all the rumors and what not going around the school interested Kyel. He wanted to figure it all out. It isn't long before he realizes the problem is a lot closer to him than thought.

"I got myself involved," I shot back hoping to get him to speak to me. His words will help with the situation, even if he'd rather believe otherwise.

He took in a deep breath before speaking, "I didn't see much the night this all started. It was far too dark to make out more than silhouettes, but I knew just who it was walking toward me without seeing features. He bit his lips pretty hard before he spoke again. "And honestly," he paused to look at me, his eyes brimming with tears, "I think that's what scared me most."

The question is:
Can K Y E L S A V E D E S T I N Y ?