I Never Told You What I Do for a Living


I'm very disappointed in you, Frank... One of the voices from earlier said.

Frank sighed. “Leave me alone!” He screamed, covering his ears and earning strange glances from the few people passing by the alley he'd been smoking in. He was getting tired of hearing voices in his head by now.

I'm afraid I can't do that, Franklin.

“Don't call me that!”


“Stop it!”

Fraaaankliiinn. The voice taunted.

“Dammit!” Frank cursed, pressing his hands against his ears.

Alright, enough. You have not done what I've asked you.

He snickered “I kinda forgot what that was...”

The voice sighed First, go find Gerard. By the time you get to him I will have talked to him, so don't worry about sounding like a basket-case.

“How do I know this isn't a trick?”

You'll get a reward! “Like what?”

Like....Ever wanted real superpowers? The voice asked, already knowing the answer.

“Y-you can do that?” Frank's eye widened. “Are you god?”

No, I just happen to control every element of your universe

He examined the brick wall with suspicion “Why would you help me?”
Because Frank, you're my favorite! The voice replied in an innocent tone. Frank frowned at this.
“I'm god's favorite?” I'm-whatever, forget it. But! To get these powers you have to give something up...Pick up your cell phone

Frank cautiously retrieved his phone from his pocket and dialed the numbers as instructed.

When other line was answered he didn't give the person time to speak as he repeated what he was told to say “Meet me at the corner of 1st and 2nd. Come alone...Oh and you have a nice ass.”

“Frank? What the hell?” Bob's voice came through the speaker, mixing with the voice's laughter.
Ah...Alright I've had my fun. Remember what I told you Frank, Go see Gerard The voice faded.
♠ ♠ ♠
*continues to hum innocently* wonder who the voice was? Bet it was Poison...



P.s Thanks for the link lupin! lol, Gerard writing a lemonade song...^_^