I Never Told You What I Do for a Living


Gerard walked into his bedroom, fumbling with the latch on his closet and finally swinging the door open. He stared momentarily at the back wall of the closet, before delivering a solid kick to it and revealing a hidden piece of the cramp little room. There, on the dusty carpet, were stacks and stack of guns and ammunition.

Wait... A voice faded to life, Your actually listening to us? Gerard blinked, now surprisingly used to having voices in his head.


Oh yeah, theres two of us, be afraid, be very, very afraid! Gerard shook his head and took a random gun out of the pile, ending up with a machine gun.

Uh, You don't ACTUALLY need the ammunition.
His face scrunched up “Says you...”

“Now, what are we looking for again?” Ray asked, pawing through the hamper.
Something incriminating...A voice muttered.
Suddenly Gerard, the owner of the apartment, appeared in the door way, wielding a machine gun.


“JESUS!” Gerard dropped the gun and attempted to kick it behind him. Failing.

No Gerard, thats actually Ray, but now that you mention it...The resemblance is startling... The original voice was cackling Sure wish this had been planned, would have been awesome.. Both voices faded, leaving Ray staring at Gerard and Gerard desperately trying to hide the gun.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, original right? :P

Make comments, not war.
