I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

"For Pete's Sake!"

Gerard drummed his fingers on the metal table, wondering exactly what interrogation would be like.

You know...This may not be such a good ideaOne of the voices faded into existence.
And whys that? The other soon made an entrance as well. Gerard could tell that they were purposefully making it look as if they forgot he was in the room.

Well, you know what they do to guys like him in prison... The first snickered as if there was a hidden meaning.

“You've got to be fucking kidding me!” Mikey muttered as the cop at the door explained what had happened “Ten people were killed, five were seriously injured” The officer bowed his head in respect. “How could Gerard do this...”

Oh for Pete's sake!

Mikey blinked “Whose Pete?” The officer stared at him.

I dunno, but I felt like he needed to be brought into this. ANYWAY! You haven't figured it out yet? The voice asked with disapproval.

“Figured what out?” Mikey seemed to be staring at the ceiling as he spoke.

Gerard is- “Mr. Way? Is there something wrong?” The officer looked at Mikey with suspicion.“No I uh-” Micheal James Way, if you don't listen I swear I'll bring Bert McCracken into this story! Mikey blinked at the ceiling “Who the-” The officers face was now set as he grabbed Mikey's arm and began to escort him out the door, “I think you have some explaining to do.”

Oh shit...This was not part of the plan! I gotta tell- Ray was the only one hearing this as the voice's
last words were lost as it faded.

“Well...Isn't this an interesting predicament.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I always wanted to say predicament! its a magical words! like 'Epical' which is MY word. I created it...MINE!

Comment and I'll give you my email address!!! *creepy old pedo's rush to comment* hey, a comment is a comment!
