I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

The world will go to hell!

RAY! The voice returned after a few minutes

“VOICE!” Ray mimicked

This is no time for word games! Theres something you should know...

“Gerard is really Revenge?”

No, he-well...Yeah. He is....How'd you know?

“I am THE 'FRO! I know everything.” Alright then...Listen, You gotta hide!

Ray blinked, going over everything that had happened since the voices had come into the picture. “I don't think we should trust you two.” There was a silence.

Fine, don't trust us. But the cops have Frank and Bob in custody. And know this, fuzzy headed one, if they get all of you, the world will surely go to hell. The voice said in a mystical voice before fading out of existence.

“I thought the world was already there...”


“This is bad...This is very, very bad” Bob muttered, examining the gray walls of his little room, waiting for the interrogator to pry every bit of information out of him.

He and Frank had been snagged when they were walking out of the local Toys-R-Us. The cops had said Mikey had ratted them out and it was all a evil ploy or terrorist attack or something like that.


“All a conspiracy?” Mikey asked the cop slowly, staring at him “How the hell did my brother going insane lead to a conspiracy?!” Mikey stood up, causing minor alarm on the officers face.

“Well, lets just see here...You brother has NO alibi for the night the bank was robbed and blown up. Nor do any of you have one for the time those houses went up in flames, killing two innocent teenage girls! Whose corpses have yet to be found for that matter. Then your brother skips out of a house that the two of you just happen to own and goes on a massacre. You tell me thats not a conspiracy?”

Mikey sighed, running a hand through his hair “Look, theres an explanation for all of this...


“There are voices” Gerard bluntly informed the officer across the metal table.
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^-^ I went spacy thingy happy and I learned symbols!

Oh right, the story....TOYS-R-US!!!!!!
