I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

"I broke his face"

I could tell ya how to get outta here, you know One of the voices informed Bob, who sat at the metal table looking sad and lost.

Yeah, its pretty easy actually

Bob put his hands over his ears "I'm not listening! I'm in enough trouble already, thank you very much!"

You're Welcome? One of the two answered uncertainly

Fine! We'll go talk to the others! they appreciate our presence!

"They do?"

Eh...They listen and occasionally go through with our plans. Especially Gerard, I think he's had some experience with hearing voices before... The second muttered and they both faded.

Bob stared out the tiny window, meant only for air. When had this all started?
Um..What happened to the officer dude?

Gerard glanced over at the unconscious cop "I broke his face with the table." He answered simply.

Thats nice...Hey Gerard, do you happen to have any bombs on you?

He opened one half of his trench coat, revealing it to be lined with heavy, yet compact, explosives and a few blocks of C4. "Why?"

Oh...Just asking...
Mikey continued to explain his innocence to the officer, who nodded and wrote down several little details that he hadn't meant to reveal about his brother. Suddenly the officer stood up, walking over to the mirror "Looks like we caught Revenge."

Mikey's jaw dropped "You caught him? How? Where is he?"

WHO would be the question...

"He's being interrogated. Thanks to you we now know we didn't JUST catch Gerard Way, but Revenge too"

Mikey stared, confused at this.

Until finally, it clicked.


Frankie dearest, I has some news for you! The voice, sounding overly cheerful, chirped.

"Excuse me a minute..." He told the officer, before turning his chair to face the opposite wall.

"What now?" He asked the corner where the wall meets the ceiling.

Well, we could tell you..But that would kill the rest of it.The second muttered You're about to find out...More or less...AnywayThen both voices vanished.

The officer, who had been staring at Frank with concern, Answered a beeping Walkie-Talkie "They caught Revenge huh? Haha!" He chuckled "Toaster boy? Are you kidding me Bill? Ha, well we got nothing on 'Toaster Boy' and the gang so let 'em go"

Frank blinked

"THEY'RE in the building?" He looked rather sinister.

Should we tell him? One voice whispered.

No, not yet, Suddenly, audible to Frank once again, Yes. And everyones free to go. Except Gerard. There's no getting out of a massacre like that. Probably will get the death penalty...Unless.. He perked up, ignoring the fact that the cop was still watching him "Unless what?!"

I hear Gerard has some explosives...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is getting interesting...

Comments are lovely. No seriously. They are.
