I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

Killing Spree

Fire danced from house to house in the streets of Newark. Explosions could be heard everywhere in the background and there were a few bodies in the streets.

Basically, all hell was raining down.
Who was the culprit? Who was committing all these crimes?
Why it was none other than Revenge and Pirate! An epic killing spree.
This could have been avoided, you know One voice lectured
If only you hadn't killed us...Everything would be the same... The second added.

Gerard ignored them, throwing grenades and Molotov cocktails into the windows of homes as Frank drove the merry looking black van down the streets. Screams were heard behind them as the explosives went off.

“Gerard...” Frank muttered uncertainly from the drivers seat

“I don't want to talk about it” He replied simply, throwing another round. His sidekick sighed and continued to drive.

You know...I think he's really torn up about this

Perhaps... They sounded mildly remorseful .

Frank jumped as Gerard suddenly flung at him, throwing his arms around his neck and sobbing into his shoulder.
“H-He was my little brother!” Gerard hiccuped

“I know, I know” Frankie muttered, patting his shoulder awkwardly “They were my friends too”

Gerard choked a bit on his tears and went back to sobbing “I b-blew them up!” He threw a grenade over his shoulder skillfully and it busted through some unfortunate victim's window. “They were in there, and I p-pushed the b-button, and they went boom!”

“You didn't mean it”
Gerard just continued sobbing and throwing explosives.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the end.
The end is when I thank you in a little authors note.
But it will be BIG THANKS!

I gotta think of a clever yet lame title for the end....

