I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

"Tonight we strike"

“I was this close.” Gerard grumbled, pacing the floor of his room.
“This close to what?” Gerard spun around to see his younger brother Mikey, whom he shared the apartment with, standing in the door way.
“Um” he coughed several times, “To...The lottery” His brother stared at him, “You entered the lottery?”

Gerard launched right into this “Of course I did, Who doesn't?” Mikey just shook his head, “Whatever you say, Gee” walking out of the room.

“Damn, that was close...” Gerard sighed
Mikey reappeared in the doorway “What was?”
“THE LOTTERY MIKEY! THE DAMN LOTTERY!” He shouted, throwing his arms in the air “How many times must you remind me of the two whole dollars I wasted buying that stupid ticket? Now can I please grumble in peace?” Mikey shook his head once again and left, muttering about too much coffee.

Making sure his brother was no where to be seen, Gerard got out his cell phone and hit speed dial.
“Yeah Frank? Tonight we strike....” He didn't bother waiting for an answer before hanging up, he knew Frank knew what he meant and it was too dangerous to say too much out loud.
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WOOO! new story! *dances*

Comments are, of course, loved
