I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

Bombs Away!

Gerard literally skipped out of the apartment. Mikey looked out of his bedroom window as he watch Gerard meet up with Frank. To anyone else it would’ve looked like two friends meeting up, but to Mikey, and with his mind, it looked suspicious. And had he been down, outside the apartment, he’d know his suspicions were right. However, he wasn’t. And so, he couldn’t confirm what he thought.
"What’re we going to do?" Frank asked, Gerard giggled with madness.

"The bank."

"The bank?"

"Oh yes!" Gerard said with enthusiasm. "The bank."

"Bombs away?’ Frank asked, Gerard simply giggled and nodded. The pair got into the black van Gerard owned and drove to the huge grey, marble building that had the word ‘Bank’ in huge, dark grey lettering on the front. Gerard giggled with excitement whereas Frank got the bombs prepared.

"Can’t wait. Can’t wait. Can’t wait!" Gerard giggled, Frank smirked at Gerard’s excitement.

"They’re ready."

"Hello, welcome to Newark Central Bank, how may I help you today?" The bored, brown haired, grey eyed bank worker asked for the thirty-thousandth time that day. She merely heard the click of the safety of a gun before she was dragged over the desk and held at gun-point by Frank.

"Hello, people of rich Newark." Gerard cackled over the com. Frank giggled a bit when the people in the bank looked confused. "Oh, of course. You don’t know what’s going on." Gerard said, only a few feet away from the main part of the bank. "Well- OW! SHIT!" Gerard yelled over the com. "Stupid, dumbass, mother-" Frank laughed harder as the com got turned off.

Gerard ducked as another shot got fired at him.

"You stupid ass, ya know who ya stealing from?!" The bank manager asked in a furious voice.

"A guy with a gun?" Gerard took a childish guess from behind a desk. The bank manager took a shot at him from the other side of the desk. It missed Gerard by millimetres, but that didn’t stop him from ‘playing with fire’ as the phrase is. "I’m guessing you don’t like that answer?" He asked and ducked when another shot was fired at him. A second gun went off and Gerard poked his head up to look over the top of the desk. "HA HA! I could hug you Frank." And he did. He jumped up, ran forward and hugged Frank, lifting him off his feet.

"Ha ha, it’s ok. But listen. You need to finish off that com." Frank said, Gerard nodded while Frank was look out.

"So, anyways. Give us any money, jewellery, whatever. And we may spare your lives." He giggled. "But we may not." He full out laughed, creeping the people out.

As Gerard went to leave the office, after Frank and himself and shot everyone and cleaned the place and heard gasping.

"Kill me then." The manager gasped. Gerard turned around and looked at the man, this was one of the only times he ever seemed human. "Put me outta my misery." He wheezed.


"Because-" The manager coughed, "Because what’s the point?" Gerard threw his head back and laughed.

"Here’s the point." He said, shoving a small bomb into the manager’s mouth and duct taping it shut. "Bye bye!" He waved before running out of the building and into the van. He pressed the button on the detonator and watched as the only source of Newark’s money exploded with the organs of people both dead, like the brown haired bank worker, and dying, like the manager.
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Gerard is kinda like an immature Joker isn't he? O.o
Congrats Robin on pointing that out. heehee
Poison x x x