I Never Told You What I Do for a Living


Bob, Ray and Mikey stared at the flames.

“Oh hell, they're gonna kill us off now...” Mikey muttered under his breath.
Bob glanced nervously at the burning building, as if he expected something to grab him and pull him into the flames.
Suddenly they noticed two figures lurking around the corner.

“Nice uniform...Very original” Ray commented at the first's's appearance, which consisted of a bandanna tied around their mouth and a trench coat. The other's looked less expensive, with bangs covering a large portion of his face and loads of heavy eye makeup, including X's painted over his eyes. He wore a bullet proof vest over a white shirt and red tie.

“A little late, Toaster boy!” The first one yelled happily “Three buildings and two hostages, gone because of you!” He cackled sadistically. Ray stared “Wait...You blew up those girls?” The first guy stopped laughing, and looked at The 'Fro like he was even crazier than himself. “Uh...yeah.”

“Ah shit,” He cursed “we're all doomed...” Mikey, however, ignored this fact.

“Crime never pays!” He announced in an official voice, still glancing at the flames every few sentences.

“Of course it doesn't...” The bandanna guy said slowly, then giggled “But revenge does.” He made a lightning quick gesture towards the other guy, who produced a machine gun out of no-where.
“Uh...Did we bring weapons?”Bob whispered at his two companions. Mikey cursed under his breath and Ray just sighed,“This was supposed to only be a rescue mission...”

“Shit...”Gerard muttered. Frank looked mildly irritated at the disturbance “What?”

“I was supposed to call Mikey to let him no I'd be out longer than expected..” He dug a cellphone out of his pocket and turned, walking out of hearing distance while Frank held the three at gunpoint.
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NEW LAYOUT! oh hellz yeah....

Comments would be amazing
