I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

'Make Them Dance Like We Were Shooting Their Feet.

Mikey watched as the bandana guy walked off and watched him, confused, he reminded Mikey of someone, but he couldn’t, for the life of him, think who. His pocket began vibrating and his eyes widened. This was not the best time for his mobile to go off. He turned his back on the cross-eyes guy and answered.

"Hello?" He whispered,

"Hey, Mikey, I’ma be a bit longer than I wanted to be..." Gerard spoke, Mikey sighed.


"Because I just ran outta the shop after being told it was gunna blow up..." Gerard said as though it were obvious.

"Oh... yeah, OK..." Mikey said, "Um... If I’m not in when you get back then I’m at Bob’s or Ray’s..."

"OK... So yeah... Bye." Gerard hung up, Mikey turned back round as bandana guy walked back to cross-eyes guy.

"So, how about, you explain to us why you were late so we can do this kinda thing in future?" Cross-eyes guy said.

"Never will they reveal their secrets!" Bandana guy yelled then laughed.

"What are your names?" Bob asked,

"Real or not-so real?" bandana guy asked,



"PIRATE!" cross-eyes guy yelled at the top of his voice, sirens were heard coming to the road where they were. "Damn it."

"So long Toaster Boy, Cat Man and The Fro!" Revenge saluted them. "Nice name ‘The Fro’." He grinned before jumping into the van and shooting at their feet. "MAKE THEM DANCE LIKE WE WERE SHOOTING THEIR FEET!" Was yelled before the van swerved dangerously and there was banging then an ‘Ow.’ from the back of the van.

Gerard sat up properly after his head had hit the side of the van and he climbed into the passenger seat.

"Nice, real nice." Frank muttered,


"That little song lyric."

"Oh?" Gerard questioned. Frank looked at him before looking back at the road and carried on driving.

"Where now?"

"I dunno..." Gerard answered truthfully when the van smashed into a wall. Both Gerard and Frank undid their seat belts and climbed out of the back of the van. Something hit Gerard and something else hit Frank.

"You damn well tried to kill my brother!"

"What?!" Gerard asked, shielding himself from the punches.

"The explosion."
♠ ♠ ♠
Not sure if the whole title is on here, if not...
It's 'Make Them Dance Like We Were Shooting Their Feet.'
Thank you commenters, I love you. :D
*need to check new ones*
Poison x x x