I Never Told You What I Do for a Living

Tonight Tonight

Ray grabbed a random packet of chips when Tonight Tonight began playing on the radio that was turned off. He almost dropped the packet out of sheer shock but attempted to turn the radio off.

Damn it Raymond. A voice whispered, he jumped and the chips hit the kitchen floor. I need you to do something. The voice said, he raised an eyebrow.

"How much?"


"How much? I don’t do stuff for free ya know!" He ranted, the voice sighed.


"Deal. Now, what do you want me to do?" He asked, a smirk played on his lips.

I want you to find out whom Revenge and Pirate are. He raised an eyebrow. I already know but I want you to show me how smart you are. Roberto’s coming so I’ll have to leave. Tar tar!

"What’s going on Ray?" Bob asked, Ray shrugged.

"I dunno." He picked the chips up and held them up. "How about salted?"

Gerard took his chance while Toaster Boy was trying to work out where Frank had gone to run. Toaster Boy looked at Gerard’s retreating shape as he sighed and went back to the apartment; he needed rest and a chance to eat. Gerard however was running to find somewhere to have a cigarette. He found the chance when he came across a two-story shop and he climbed to the room and lit up.

Frank was running to get home, he had a feeling, but that feeling soon vanished and his mobile vibrated. He fished it out of his pocket along with his keys, which he shoved back in and the read what his phone said.

"Come and find me." He checked who sent it and saw that it was from Gerard.

You’re gunna try and find him?! A voice asked, it wasn’t the one from earlier.

"No duh." Frank moaned, the voice huffed.

Don’t get sarcastic! I could happily kill you like that! A sharp snapping sound came when it said ‘that’. He flinched but continued looking. What did the other voice say? It asked, he shrugged... He hadn’t actually payed attention. You are hopeless! It sighed. Good luck! And the voice was gone. But Frank was sure he could hear it laughing.

Ray and Bob sat on the sofa while watching the movie, Watchmen. They both jumped as the voices returned.

RAYMOND TORO ORTIZ! The voice yelled, which caused him to jump, You like this movie too huh? Pass us some chips.

"What?" he asked, whispering.

I said. There was a pause before: GIVE US SOME CHIPS! It boomed. He sighed
before shoving three more into his mouth. Cowbag.

BOBERT! The voice yelled, Bob wore a helpless look on his face. How’s life as Grey? The voice asked, he frowned.

"Go away! It’s the best bit!"

You like pervy bits? It quizzed. He rolled his eyes,

"I mean this bit."

Ha ha, midget. It laughed. He sighed but also stuffed his mouth with chips.

Grrr, you shouldn’t ignore her Roberto.

"Two?" He whispered, spraying chip everywhere.

Yes two ‘Berto.

"Damn it."

Ha ha.

Leave him alllooonnnneeee

Never!! And both voices left. Ray and Bob looked at each other before turning their
attention back to the movie, both knowing that the voices weren’t gone forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all. :D
If you can think of any improvements or want to meet the same fate as us, tell! :D
Poison x x x