You Don't Need Anyone

At least feel something!

“You were going to kill me? Well, I guess that isn’t completely uncalled for, considering you did kidnap me, but I was thinking more of ransom. Heck, I don’t even know what the SSCBTD does.”

“It’s SSTF. Our agents could be called assassins, but we like to be called agents, thank you very much. Apparently we’re the bad guys, but we’re the ones no one knows about, the kind that can get away with everything because of it. We assign our own missions, sometimes it’s killing ambassadors, other times it’s kidnapping ex-agents’ daughter and forcing her to kill her parents.” Rob explains. Paul puts his hand to his forehead.

“Rob! What did I tell you about leaking information?” He scolds.

“Wait, so I’m supposed to kill my parents? What did they do?” Sophie asks, seemingly unaware of her parents’ past.

“They ran off together, moved, changed their names, and we finally tracked them down after fifteen years.”

“And where do I, their fourteen year old daughter, come into play here?” Sophie plays with the hem of her shirt.

“You’re the reason they ran off. We need them to see the reason they left is working for us, and turn the whole thing against them. You see, they left because they didn’t want this life for you, but you end up in it anyway, and they end up dead, murdered by their beloved daughter.”

“Okay, that makes sense, but there’s one problem.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“They already know I work for you.” Sophie slips. Her face scrunches up, knowing she’s screwed.

“What are you talking about?” Cody speaks for the first time in the conversation.

“Well, when I was in the bathroom, I texted my parents, saying I was kidnapped by the SSTF. So they already know I’m with you guys.”

“Oh. I thought you were going to say you were the -” Rob begins, but Paul elbows him rather hard in the stomach.

“The what? I guess it’s really none of my business, though, right? Ah, well. So I’m going to change, alright? Nobody look!” Unable to release anymore information, Sophie decides to change the subject, as well as her outfit, no longer comfortable with the awkward tension hanging in the air.

Cody stares out the window next to him, while Rob looks straight ahead. Slipping off her shirt, she pulls the dress on over her head. Then she slides her jeans off once the dress covers her legs.

“How do I look?” She asks, receiving stares from two men.

“Whoa.” Cody manages to say.

“Really nice.” Rob smiles.

“Nice? That’s it? Well, I do want to look nice when I die… that is, if you guys kill me.” Her face scrunches up.

“You never know. But, we’re here now, and that’s what matters. Ready to kill your parents?” Paul asks nonchalantly. They file out of the car and walk through big, black doors.

“No, but do I have a choice?” Walking down hallways, they come to stop in front of a door. Paul slides his badge across and the door opens, revealing Sophie’s parents with hands tied behind their backs. Paul looks at Sophie.

“Not at all.” He smiles while handing her a handgun.

“You see, that’s where you’re wrong, Paul. Oh so very, very, very wrong. I don’t follow your orders. You follow mine. Thank you for taking me here, though. You see, I’m ‘the boss’ everyone around here worships and takes orders from without question. It’s getting a little… boring.” She walks around the room.

“My parents never ran away from the company, they were ordered to, by the previous leader. That leader gave them orders to train me from the time I could walk. I took over when I was seven. How does it feel you were being ordered around by a seven year old, Paul? Does it feel lousy?” By now, Sophie was in front of him, running her index finger along his chest.

“I had you take me here because I’ve never been here before. I didn’t know where it was, neither did my parents. Pathetic, right? I wanted to have you three here because you follow my orders like no others, without one question at all. Haven’t you ever felt guilty for taking so many people’s lives? Haven’t you ever hated me for forcing you to kill the ones you love, the one’s you fell in love with? I was testing you for so long, but you failed.”

“I don’t understand.” Rob interrupts her dramatic pause.

“You don’t understand? How could you not understand that I’m sick and tired of you following my commands without thought? I need you to at least feel something! I mean, come on, when I had you kill your wife? Do you remember that, Rob, huh? I really didn’t want you to. She was so nice and pretty. You need to realize that there’s more important things than following orders from someone you haven’t even met! Everyday I go through school and watch people. I listen to what they fight about, what they cry about, why they’re so happy. You don’t see them being emotionless robots like you three. It’s sad, really, what you guys do. I want you to refuse me for once!”

“We were scared to.” Paul whispers.

“Scared? You were scared? I wouldn’t kill you. I wouldn’t. Maybe any of the other agents, but you three? No. You’re my favorites. All very wise, and clean up well. I can’t lose you. If you knew all this before, I’m sure things will be different, and I’m sorry for not telling you earlier.”

“How do we know you’re not lying?” Cody asks suspiciously.

“Then don’t believe me. Simple as that. I’m sorry I don’t have proof, but do you really think I could have come up with this on the way here? Now that everything is out in the open on my part, you guys have some explaining to do.” And with that, fear became evident on all the men’s faces.
♠ ♠ ♠
There it is, chapter three! Was it unexpected, or did you see it coming? I hinted it in the previous chapters. And I love the dress she wears.