

George found my hand and squeezed it before helping me push through the crowded room. The comments just kept on coming and coming, right through form time. Heck, they kept coming none-stop for the rest of the day. But for once, i really didn't care because i had George. My George. George and Megan. I didn't think the warm feeling that gave me whenever i thought of it would ever wear off.
By the time we got back to my house we were both exhausted. Ignoring people is a lot more hard work than being ignored, let me tell you
"Good God!" George sighed as soon as we got through my front door "That was ridiculous!" i nodded in agreement. He looked down at me and smiled. Such a perfect, perfect smile. He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips. Just as my mother walked. Oh God.
"Ooooooh!" she cooed "Has something been going on here?" she wiggld her eyebrows at me. I turned very red for the millionth time that day.
"Well, Megan and i kind of got together today, i hope thats alright" George replied, never taking his eyes off me while he spoke, a big grin plastered onto his face. I couldn't help but grin back.
"Well of course its ok dear! I've seen this one coming for a long time. But, pardon me, aren't you gay hunni?" she had to go there. George turned a little pink but didn't loose his confidence
"um, no. I never was gay ma'am"
"See Megan! I told you!" she said laughing "You guys have fun!" she began climbing the stairs. God, could she be any more embarassing? The answer to that was a no. Definate no. George chuckled.
"Board game?" i asked
"Monopoly" he replied. I was happy with this. We started toward my living room when suddenly my phone beeped. Chris. It said
"Wana meet up? Wot bout park at 7 agen? I fink u ow me an apology after wot your friend did luv Chris xx"
I could not believe it. I actually could not believe it.
"Meg? Whats wrong?" George said, panic rising in his voice. He gently took the phone i offered him and gasped.
"The ****** *******!" he shouted. I faintly heard my mum shout down something about language but i ignored her and just looked at George. He shook his head and looked furious, he began texting something.
"What are you writing?" i asked him, slightly scared he might take it too far. George was strong but compared to Chris he was a childs cuddly toy. But he showed me the screen, he was forwarding all Chris' texts to all of my contacts.
"Were proving a very importan point" he said
The boy was a genius.
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sorry its real short :)
please comment and tell me what you think!