‹ Prequel: Stolen From My Eyes
Status: Sporadic updates due to work, life etc.

Endless Night Time Sky

I'll Take The First Bite

Eventually she had gotten back to sleep, feeling safe and secure in Gerard’s arms while he sang softly to her. But when she awoke he was gone, as was his habit lately. Feeling slightly annoyed at this, she decided she’d take a shower and go explore the manor some more. Wren had said she could, and she took that as the ultimate permission, whether Gerard agreed with that or not.

The halls were deserted, as usual. She wandered aimlessly, taking in the various pieces of artwork here and there. She wasn’t even worried about running into Rose; she was too deep in thought. Someone fell into step beside her, but she didn’t notice until they spoke. “I see the babysitter let you out of your prison for a little while,” Amusement was clear in their voice.

She jumped, stopping mid-step and turning to see Caleb smiling gently at her. “Oh, er, not really,” She admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed.

He put a finger to his lips and then chuckled. “Not to worry, my dear. I won’t breathe a word. Would you like some company? I promise I won’t bite.”

His last comment made her feel a tad uneasy, but she was sure it was only because of her unsettling dream and Gerard’s obvious dislike for him. She agreed, and they strolled the manor together, talking about nothing in particular.

A companionably silence greeted them. “You know, Gerard and I don’t really hate each other.” Caleb said suddenly, looking at her from the corner of his eyes. “We’ve always had a sort of rivalry, ever since we were first turned. I’ve always thought of him as a brother.”

Elise wasn’t so sure that the same could be said for how Gerard thought of Caleb, but she was intrigued by this information. “You’ve known him since you were both turned?”

“Oh yes!” Caleb smiled fondly, his eyes far away. “Right around the same time. I’m a little older, of course, but he would never admit that. We learned our new abilities together under the watchful eyes of Wren. I think he was more of a father figure than our own fathers. After all, how else could we have gotten into such a pickle if they had really cared enough to watch after us?”

There was a slight edge of bitterness to his voice. “Ah, but that is all in the past now. I am much happier with my new life, although it hasn’t been new for quite sometime.” He grinned.

“Was that vampire humor?” Elise responded playfully.

Caleb threw his head back and laughed. “Such a wonderful sense of humor! No wonder Gerard is so enthralled with you, the lucky devil.” He paused for a moment. “Would you have time for me to show you something? I’m sure you’d like it.”

Knowing there was nothing else pressing to do, she nodded in response. He led her down so many hallways, talking all the while, that she was sure she wouldn’t be able to find her way back by herself. At last they paused at a door that looked like any other, at the very end of a long hallway. “Sorry it took so long,” He apologized, opening the door. “But I think it’s well worth the travel.”

The room was a lavishly decorated parlor, complete with fire roaring in the hearth. He led the way over to an old-fashioned roll-top desk and opened it up. Rummaging around inside for a moment, he finally pulled out a well-worn photo album. Dusting it off quickly, he handed it to her. “Here, I thought you might like to see some pictures of Gerard and myself when we were…younger.”

Eagerly she accepted the book, sitting down in a nearby chair. She was soon enthralled by the photos of a newly-turned-vampire Gerard. She thought he would be angry and, well, different, but instead he looked a little shy with his lop-sided smile. There were pictures of him and Wren, ones of him and Caleb with their arms thrown around each other’s shoulders being silly for the camera. But she wasn’t so excited when she came upon pictures that included Rose, beautiful as ever. Especially one where Rose was sitting on a swing, Gerard behind her with his arms wrapped around her. He was leaning over her, planting a kiss on her cheek while she giggled.

Caleb cleared his throat awkwardly. “I apologize. I forgot those were in there. It’s ancient history, really.”

“But Gerard said they never were…involved.” Elise said hoarsely, trying to smother the jealous feelings welling up yet again.

“Oh dear,” He said, sitting down heavily. “It seems I have really messed up. It wasn’t my place to say anything. He’s going to be so angry with me…” He sighed, then looked up at her. “But I really think he shouldn’t have lied. You have every right to know the truth! After all, he does apparently love you.”

Tears stung her eyes; she couldn’t look away from the picture. Why would he lie to her? It was so unfair. He had never been dishonest before, as far as she knew. But then, how would she know if he had been? Uncertainty snaked through her and she slammed the photo book shut.

Caleb was watching her with concern. “I’m so sorry, Elise, I really am. Please don’t be upset. I’m sure he had a very good reason.”

Seeing the sympathy in his eyes was the last straw. Burying her head in her hands she began to sob. She felt so silly, crying over this. But it was just so upsetting. In an instant Caleb was perched on the arm of the chair, wrapping a steady arm around her shoulder. He squeezed gently. “Hey, don’t cry. It’s alright. Here, take my handkerchief. No, don’t push it away, use it.”

“I’m sorry, Caleb. I’m being so silly.” She let out a harsh laugh through her tears as she dabbed at her eyes.

“Yes, probably. But that’s alright, because women normally are.” He attempted a lame joke, and it worked.

Elise giggled, feeling a lot better. She wasn’t sure what Gerard’s deal was with Caleb; he really was a gentleman. It was nice of him to comfort her, especially when he hardly knew her. “Thank you.” She said, breathing out slowly. “I don’t know how to repay you for your kindness.”

“I can think of a few ways,” He said casually, leaning down closer.

Warnings went off instantly in her head. Danger! Was all she could think. Moving gently away, she laughed uncertainly. “Caleb, what are you doing?”

Her body froze as she saw his fangs poke out from his lips. “Something I’ve wanted to do since I first smelled you walk into the manor.”

With a yelp she hopped out of the chair as fast as possible, narrowly dodging the hand he attempted to grab her with. She spun, sprinting towards the door as fast she could. But he was much faster; after all, she was only human. He was in front of the door faster than her mind could comprehend, and she couldn’t slow down. With a deafening thud she smacked right into him. The impact of her frail human body against his solid-as-rock vampire one hurt like hell. She crumpled on the floor, whimpering. It was obvious there was going to be bruising.

He yanked her up by an arm, his eyes now glowing a crimson red with his blood lust. “You smell so tantalizing,” He whispered dangerously, burying his face in her hair for a moment.

“You’re disgusting!” She spat, struggling to get out of his vice-like grip. “Wait until Gerard comes for me.”

Anger replaced the lazy look in his eyes, and before she knew what had happened her head snapped to the side, knocking the wind out of her. His raised hand told her he had smacked her. She tasted blood. “Oh, but you told me yourself he doesn’t know you’re not in your room. By the time he has any idea you’re in trouble…it will be much too late for you.” Caleb laughed darkly, pulling her closer.
♠ ♠ ♠
OH NO. Will her hero (or is he still?) come to the rescue in time?