‹ Prequel: Stolen From My Eyes
Status: Sporadic updates due to work, life etc.

Endless Night Time Sky

Sends Me To Heaven

With every minute that passed it was looking more and more like a very bad idea. The threat of Ammut seemed so silly compared to this pain. It turned out “his way” consisted of her being tied down to a wooden chair while he slowly drained her blood and life away. “It hurts now, but soon you will be strong.” He said, sliding a sharpened nail along her arm and leaving yet another deep gouge in her flesh.

As time passed she became more and more disoriented, her vision getting steadily blurrier. It was difficult keeping any train of thought. But she kept repeating a few words in her head in the hopes he could come for her. Gerard…room…photo album…hallway end…far away…

She had no idea if it was working or not, but at this point it was the only thing keeping her conscious. Caleb was certainly taking his sweet time with this; she wondered if it really had to be this painful and long. He knelt beside her, taking her arm delicately and placing her wrist in front of his mouth. Looking up at her in triumph, he sank his fangs deep in her skin.

A piercing scream erupted from her despite her attempts to hold it back. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. He paused after a moment, returning to his slicing along her legs. Wearing a dress wasn’t the smartest decision she’d made today, but then again it wasn’t the worst either.

“When…my turn?” She mumbled, knowing he’d hear no matter what the volume of her voice.

His laugh sent chills down her spine. “You’re so naïve.” He whispered. “I don’t think I can control myself, Elise. I have to have all of your blood. Pity; you would have been a beautiful creature.”



The pain crashed over him like a tidal wave, bringing him to his knees. Her voice was in his head, full of pain and torment. Only snatches of words here and there, but nothing concrete. Come on, sugar, give me something better. You could be anywhere!

But as he struggled back to his feet he realized she had given him something useful. She had mentioned a photo album; probably the one that had the pictures of when he was younger. Wren always kept it in the antique roll-top desk. He was off running again, knowing exactly where they were now. I’m coming, Elise. Stay strong for me, sugar. He hoped she could hear him.


Caleb undid the ropes holding her to the chair, but she was so drained and weak that she fell right to the floor. He laughed at her, kneeling down in front of her. “How frail you humans are,” He smirked, holding her chin up so he could look in her eyes. “What a mistake he made bringing you here. You’re both imbeciles.”

He let go of her chin, her head smacking back down on the wooden flooring. But she was so beyond pain now. The numbness was creeping ever further through her body and her vision was getting darker. She attempted to focus on her thoughts to Gerard, but found it too difficult. If he hadn’t heard her by now, he wouldn’t.

Through it all she had expected him to come charging through that door. But all remained silent as her life was slowly falling away. Perhaps Caleb had been right; he really didn’t care for her anymore. Death for a mortal was much too common to worry about when he had an immortal beauty within reach.

She felt so tired. Somewhere in the back of her mind this sleepiness seemed familiar, but she couldn’t pinpoint why. Just close your eyes. It will all be over soon. Not much longer now. Just close your eyes.

Don’t you do it, Elise. I’m almost there. Another voice interrupted her thoughts. It sounded so familiar, almost like…but no, it wasn’t him. She was only hallucinating, was all. She’d heard people do that when they lose a lot of blood.

By now sounds were muted to a dull roar. Everything seemed to be in blurry slow motion. She couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer and let them drop for the last time.


The door came crashing to the ground, splinters flying everywhere as Gerard made his entrance. Caleb stood quickly, surprise plain on his face. “I see Rose failed to keep you occupied long enough.” He sneered, before glancing down at his feet. “Or maybe not.”

Gerard followed his gaze, horror rising as he took in the limp, pale form of Elise. She wasn’t moving, not even to breathe. An anguish roar ripped through his chest and out his mouth and he lunged at Caleb. “Demon spawn! You will pay dearly,” Gerard hissed, allowing his rage and grief to take over.

Caleb only laughed as he dodged the first few blows. But he was a little too careless. Gerard dived and caught him by the leg bringing him slamming down into the floor, and back to earth, hard. Usually when a vampire has just fed, they are unparalleled in strength and speed. But he was no match for the wrath of an anguished lover.

His foe had him pinned and was delivering blow after blow to any place he could reach. Blood was gushing from his nose and mouth as he laughed. “She begged, in the end. You should have heard her! Oh, and she tasted absolutely exquisite. I’m sure there are a few drops left for you.” He paused, grinning through the blood. “Although you never were one for sloppy seconds.”

This was just too much. Gerard latched onto Caleb’s neck with both hands. “See you in hell.” He hissed, enjoying the sudden look of horror on Caleb’s face as he realized his life was ending.

With one strong yank, the life fled from his eyes. Gerard had snapped his neck, and then yanked it completely off with one movement. He dropped the decapitated head, stricken by his own behavior.

And ever so slowly he turned, taking in Elise’s lifeless form. Deep cuts and bruises covered her body, and he could see marks on her wrists and ankles where she had been tied down to a chair. She looked so incredibly peaceful. A sob broke the unnatural silence in the room and he realized it was his own. He knelt down, moving hair out of her face. Then he leaned his head back and screamed with everything he had, mourning the loss of his reason for being and knowing it was his own fault.
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It isn't over yet, my dearest readers. :]