‹ Prequel: Stolen From My Eyes
Status: Sporadic updates due to work, life etc.

Endless Night Time Sky

Imprisoned Now Inside Your Mind

Wren was sitting completely still with his eyes closed when Gerard entered the conference room carrying the limp body of Elise in his arms. In fact, for a moment he thought perhaps the others had killed him too. But then one eye opened slowly, the other following suit as he took in the two forms before him. “What happened?” He whispered, eyes locked on Elise.

As quickly as he could, Gerard explained. His voice held no anger, no vengeance. It was hollow, empty, reflecting exactly how he was feeling. “I was so worried about Ammut finding us. I never stopped to think about the dangers within these walls.” He finished, eyes glazed over and unseeing.

His mentor was silent for a few moments, studying the lifeless body and the near lifeless one holding it. “I think," Wren finally said, getting to his feet. “That perhaps you assumed too quickly that her life had been stolen.”

Gerard focused in on Wren, his lips curling back in a grimace. “Is this some kind of sick joke? She’s dead, Wren! Just look at her!”

His voice echoed back in the empty chamber. Wren only sighed and shook his head. “Your Elise, she is much stronger than you think. When you told her to hang on, she did just that. Be silent boy; you have not really listened with your heart.”

He looked bewildered as Wren gently lifted her out of his arms and laid her down on the pillow cushions. He beckoned Gerard to kneel down next to her and not make a sound. Gerard obeyed, but the numbness was quickly turning into all-consuming grief as he was forced once again to gaze upon her pale face. He hung his head, letting his chin drop to his chest. He was broken, and he didn’t think he’d ever be fixed.

Not a sound could be heard in the still room. He allowed himself to think of all the times he’d spent with her, and how it hadn’t been nearly enough. There would never be another opportunity for him to hear her laughter or to hold her when she needed comforting. No unique, passion-filled sea blue eyes to get lost in. Though his thoughts enfolded him, his acute sense of hearing picked up on something he had previously not noticed before.

Lifting his head up a few centimeters, his eyes grew wide. “Impossible,” He breathed, glancing up at Wren.

The lion-like vampire was gazing down at Elise, a small smile on his lips. Gerard waited several more seconds to hear it again, hardly daring to believe it. A faint thrum greeted his ears once more. It was impossible for the sound to have come from Wren or himself; their hearts did not beat. But a human’s heart did.

“All is not lost, dear boy.” Wren said quietly. “But it could be, if you don’t hurry.”

Gerard was now staring opened-mouth at Elise. By all accounts, she should be dead. But that wasn’t the case. Her heart was just barely beating every few moments. “I…I don’t understand. How could…?”

“Her system shut itself down. In essence, she is hibernating, waiting only for that warm spring day when she may reawaken.” Wren said, turning a stern gaze on him. “And you are responsible for giving her that spring day.”

His heart soared as he laid a hand on her forehead. “Do I just kiss her, like in the fairy tales?”

Loud laughter greeted this suggestion. “No. I wish it were that simple. I believe you know what has to be done. But it also serves a second purpose.” Wren explained. “The contract made with Ammut is clear that she would receive two human souls. But I think it would void that should one soul become…something else.”

As fast as hope appeared, it left Gerard again. “Wren, I’ve told you. I cannot do that. If I lose control, even for a moment…”

“You do not know if you will lose control at all.” He argued. “And so you have two choices: leave her as she is and let her slowly die. Or attempt to change her and give her a chance to live.”

There were several tense moments as Gerard fought an inner battle. Wren waited alongside him patiently, confident his son would make the right decision. And of course, he was not disappointed. “Okay,” Gerard gasped out at last, slightly trembling. “I’ll give this a shot.”

Wren nodded and then moved towards the door to afford privacy. This intimate ceremony needed no audience. “Very well. I will be waiting, and guarding the door should any unexpected visitors arrive.”

He waited until the door closed firmly and he could no longer hear Wren outside. Then he moved closer and let out a shaky breath. The easiest way for him to do this would be through her wrist; no awkward positions involved. He lifted up the wrist closest to him, and made a straight, deep incision down it with a nail.

The smell was almost overpowering as he moved his mouth and nose down near it. It made him light headed and unfocused. You can do this, he kept repeating. Don’t lose focus, she needs you.

First he started with a tiny lick, wincing as a shudder rippled through him. It was the most delicious, overwhelming thing he’d ever tasted. He finally put his entire mouth over the open wound, pacing himself. It was so difficult to focus. His eyes closed as he fed off what remained of the blood in her system. He was floating in a comfortable abyss, and everything was right. More, I need more

Gerard…a voice so faint he nearly missed it. Startled, he opened his eyes, realizing that barely any more blood was coming out. Quickly he detached himself and slit open his own wrist, gently holding her head up and forcing the blood down her throat as best he could. Every few moments he’d suck on her wrist, attempting to get it flowing.

Panic set in as he realized he couldn’t hear the faint thrumming anymore. “No, no, no. I did what I needed to. You’re not supposed to die!” He cried, cradling her and rocking back and forth. Tears ran unhindered down his face as he sobbed.

He grabbed the opened wrist and gave one last, hard pull. And the faint taste of his blood mixed with something much sweeter landed on his tongue. A shaky, unbelieving laugh escaped his lips. “Yes! Come on, sugar. I’m right here waiting for you.”

Time seemed to slow as he held her in his arms, staring hopefully at her face and willing her eyes to open. The slight twitch of her fingers almost went unnoticed the second time it happened, so focused on her face was he.

And then her eyelids fluttered open, a bright blue glow pouring from them.
♠ ♠ ♠
FINALLY. Finally. It's about time, right? He sure took long enough. :]
We have two familiar faces making a grand entrance in the next chapter...hrm.