Beehive Book Store: The Summer I Fell in Love

I won't forget the day I stumbled across Beehive book store on the corner of 8th and Main. The sign on the door said open, so I let myself in. The lighting was dim and the room smelled strangely of Vanilla and Ginger. I liked that smell. It was enticing and relaxing. I scanned the shelves occasionally grabbing a book that I felt needed to be read.

"Hello young one." A man's voice startled me and I jumped. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you ma'm." He was older, like in his 60's. Maybe 70's.

"It's ok. I just wasn't expecting anyone behind me. Do you own this store?" I asked looking around. Everywhere I looked was covered in books or old posters.

"Yes I do. What' your name miss?" he asked politely. I had never met someone with this much respect for a female.

"Hope. My name is Hope." for some reason I blushed when I said my name.

"Well, Ms. Hope. It is a pleasure to meet you. I'm George Simon." he held out his hand like he wanted me to shake it. When I placed my hand in his he kissed my hand. He was a gentleman that was for sure.

I heard the door make the chiming sound it does when opened. I turned and saw the face of perfection. Smooth skin, liquid green eyes, muscular arms, and a smile that could take a girls breath away. His voice sent made me dizzy. "Hi grandpa." He smiled.

"Trenton my boy." the old man laughed and hugged the boy.

"Hello Ms." The boy smiled. He was like his grandfather I could tell.

"Hello." I blushed.

"Trenton this is Ms. Hope. She seems to have wondered into this store by chance and by the sound of her lovely accent I'm guessing she is from Australia." the old man introduced me to his grandson.

"Close. New Zealand." I smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Hope." the boy winked and like his grandfather kissed my hand. From that moment on I was in love. I was in love with the bookstore. And I was in love with the owners grandson. Even though I didn't know if I would see either again.
  1. I had to go back
    Hope goes back to the bookstore in hopes of finding the old man. All she finds is an empty store and a note with her name on it.