Stay Close

heavy heart

"It's over, Dan!"

Dan Flint's latest fortnight fling stomped off, but not before slapping him across the face, her sharp nails catching his skin, forming bloody scratches on the side of his face. She disappeared in a flurry of denim mini skirt and long blonde hair, over dramatic sobs echoing down the street.

Josh Franceschi had watched the scene unfold from the side of the pavement. He had been pretending to read the latest issue of Kerrang, with his own face plastered across the front cover, whilst listening in on the exchange between Dan and his latest girlfriend. Deep down, he had hoped for this outcome. He was tired of being the only member of You Me At Six that was without love, alone, free to sleep with whatever girl he fancied, and drop her the next morning. But Josh didn't want that.

Truth be told, he wasn't your typical teenage front man. He didn't have an ego that was about to burst, he didn't take random fans back onto the tour bus and take advantage, he didn't do scandalous things and get it circulated on gossip websites. He longed for commitment. Someone who he could be open with, without being accused of being an over sensitive wuss. He wanted someone to kiss, to hold, to spend time with.

Josh Franceschi wanted love. Although he'd never admit that to his band mates, who already had that and so much more.

He sighed heavily as Dan walked over to him and dropped down to sit beside him on the cold pavement. "I didn't even do anything wrong this time, I swear! I don't know, she just expected me to know everything. I'm a guy, I don't know how she thinks."

Josh shook his head. "Why don't you try being on your own for a bit? All these girls are getting confusing, I mean, I don't even know what her name was," he jerked his head in the direction the girl had flounced off in.

"Emma! Her name was Emma. Your trouble is, you don't pay attention. Your too wrapped up in your own downward spiral of self pity."

Josh opened his mouth, ready to create a smart reply to Dan's harsh observation, but he faltered as his friend's words sunk in. Dan was right. It was all Josh could think about. How alone he was. More often than not, he brought his lonely status upon himself, refusing to go out with his band mates and their girlfriends, not wishing to be around happy couples, when he wasn't one of them.

"You know I'm right, don't you?" Dan asked, guilt suddenly washing over him. He had taken his annoyance out on his friend, and he hadn't meant to. What he said was true, but he knew he could've broken that news a lot more gently to Josh.

"Oi, Franceschi!"

The pair turned in the direction of a familiar bright voice. A familiar American voice. One that belonged to none other than Brianna Corden, who was heading towards them, a sheet of paper clasped in her hand and a determined look on her face. She came to a halt in front of them, a huge smile on her face as she smoothed out the sheet of paper and cleared her throat. "We wrote this ourselves, I hope you like it."

"Wait, what is it?" Dan asked, curiously.

"Brianna! Wait! Don't read it yet!" Max Helyer was running towards the trio at the speed of light, waving a pen in the air. He breathlessly came to stand beside Brianna, snatching the paper from her hand and adding something to the long awaited masterpiece that was still yet to be heard.

"You done? Can I read it now?" Brianna asked her boyfriend, who was now panting from his sudden burst of exercise.

"God, Max, you've only run up the road, not a bloody marathon," Dan commented.

Max glowered at him, motioning for Brianna to read whatever was scribbled down on the paper. She looked at him, watching him sit himself down at the edge of the road in an attempt to slow down his heart. "So unfit," she rolled her eyes, clearing her throat again.

"Male, late teens, seeks significant other to straighten his hair for him and go on long walks on the beach. Male is attractive, with a floppy fringe, and his occupation is resident singer and complainer in upcoming, British, pop punk band. His band mates are sick of hearing him whine about how lonely he is, so any replies would be much appreciated by them, and all will be considered for a date with this lovely young gentlemen," Brianna read aloud, her eyes scanning over the paper, before she concluded, "and then we've given out Max's phone number, since he's going to sort it out for you."

A frown had creased Josh's forehead, as beside him, Dan burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter. "What's this for?"

"It's your lonely hearts ad," Max informed him, completely over his marathon run around the corner.

Josh's eyebrows almost disappeared into his hairline upon hearing this news. His jaw dropped open and he looked at Brianna, then Max and back again. "It's my what?"

"Lonely hearts ad."

"What?! I'm no where near old enough to need one of those! I don't need to advertise how desperate I am, thank you very much! And you've made me sound like such a twat. You better not put that in the paper, seriously, I'll kill the lot of you."

"Too late, it's already been sent. This is just the rough draft," Brianna said, bluntly.

Josh growled, shaking his head. He was fuming. He didn't need his friends help to find a girl, he could do it perfectly fine on his own. He was just going through an unlucky spell, everyone had one of those, didn't they?

"I don't fucking believe it," he muttered.

Dan chuckled. "I can't wait to see these replies."

Josh smacked him round the back of the head, before getting up and storming off in the same direction Dan's now ex girlfriend had. If only he could break up from his friends, he'd have probably become an ex a long time ago.
♠ ♠ ♠
And there we have it. Expect about 4/5 parts, this isn't going to be on epic novel levels. Just something nice and fun, since I write too much angst.

Lol at the fact mibba thinks 'twat' is spelt wrong. I was amused. (: