The OtherSide

Vampire Repellent and Witch Vesta's


Joy’s P.O.V

I ambled back towards my cave by the waterfall and I was surprised at what I found. A bunch of water tantrums loitered around the lake and some even near my cave. I growled.
“What do you want, mortal?” one of them said.
Before answering, I counted exactly four. I hadn’t seen the other one, because she had been under water the whole time.
But the question is, what were they going here? There’s plenty of lakes and waterfalls, but they just happened to come near mine? What ever happened to privacy and property?
“I want you out,” I stated coldly.
They smirked at me and continued playing in the water. I hadn’t noticed it before, but they were all naked. I guess that’s how it is out here. Flaunting all of your business around isn’t so pretty, from where I come from.
“There’s no way we are leaving. Besides we need somewhere to bathe. The prince is coming to hunt tomorrow and we would like to…meet him.” The blond smiled viciously as she finished her sentence. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
“Why can’t you all of you go and bathe at the pond a few acres away? I’m sure it’s much more cleaner then this one,” I stated simply.
They all shook there heads and the blue-haired one gawked at me.
“Listen mortal, if you don’t want to get into trouble, I suggest you let us use this lake or else…” she trailed off.
I cocked my eyebrows and stood my ground furiously. I starred at the creatures with my eyes.
“Or what?” I asked coldly.
What are they going to do? But then again they are water tantrums. They can rip off my head in a second. But unfortunately, I’m stubborn as hell. And I knew I wasn’t leaving this spot, whether they liked it or not.
“Come on, girls” the black-haired one caught in before the blue-haired one could speak.
I smiled, victoriously. And smiled politely at the black-haired tantrum. She smiled back and I knew we had an understanding ever since. Never come to my lake, without permission, I thought. But I didn’t have to, she already knew. And soon I had my lake to myself again.
Before hiking up the trail I looked up to the sky. Hmph. Two moons tonight. One purple, one blue. Both my favorite colors. I sighed heavily and started toward the cave.

3rd P.O.V

Clay and Tyson starred at her from the boulder they first saw her at. They followed her as she hiked up the trail, and disappeared behind the waterfall.
“Today was a good day. Don’t ya think?” Tyson asked.
Clay shrugged and continued to stare at the waterfall. Tyson glared at him from the corner of his eyes, and Clay noticed.
“What’s up with you, man? Why do you keep glaring at me?” Clay complained.
Tyson rolled his eyes.
“Would you stop starring at her like she’s a peace of meat!” he spat.
A large smirked grew on Clay’s face, and he starred at Tyson weirdly.
“So you like this human?” he said.
Tyson had a quicker reaction then usual.
“No! I don’t. Okay? But I do have a heart. Besides, she’s the only human here. We should help her.”
Clay winced, and then sighed heavily.
“I guess you’re right,” He said under his breath.
Then, Tyson reminded him from before.
“By the way, did you see the way her face looked when she handled the tantrums?”
Clay smiled from the scene that took place not a few yards away. He half way smiled because of the naked water tantrums and the other half was because of how cute the human looked when she was angry.
Clay shook his head furiously, replacing the memory with something other then her.
“Yes, I thought they were going to rip her head off. But she handled it.”
Tyson frowned.
“Way to be optimistic, Clay,” he spat sarcastically.
They rolled their eyes and continued to stare at the waterfall aimlessly.

Back over the BlueBlood Boundaries. - The Palace.

Prince Vance lay sleepless on his king sized bed. The ceiling starring back at him, as he pondered deeply about tomorrow.
He’d have to go hunting and see nature spirits, pillans, angels, and female tantrums. Maybe even vampires and werewolves also. But he knew that it was going to be way more difficult then that.
But he was starving and he knew absolutely nothing was holding him back from killing innocent - maybe not- creatures. As a demon, he shouldn’t give in to many, plenty things, but he wasn’t so sure of it.
Half of him was joyous inside, the other have consisted of anger. Why must creatures who don’t settle on BlueBlood boundaries die?, he thought. He thought to himself, I’d like to kill people on these boundaries thought. It would be much easier.
The endless night was a disgrace. No attempt to sleep, but worry.

Joy’s P.O.V

I woke up and my back felt like I had been laying on hard concrete for five hours straight. Although, it did pretty much seem that way.
I crawled out to the walkway by the waterfall and stretched. My back cracked slightly, and I started to remove my shirt. I needed to go for a little swim perhaps.
So after I had removed my shirt and pants, along with my abolished converse, I jumped into the water and swam. My black hair following behind, and for the hell of it, I did a few back flips, and did the back stroke. It was fun to just relax for a while. The water was the perfect temperature, and I knew it would be a while before I actually wanted to get out.

Clay’s P.O.V

I woke with my head placed against that hard ass boulder. I looked to my left, no Tyson. I looked to my right, and there he was. Except his eyes were the size of basketballs.
“Tyson, what is it?” I asked grunting. I lifted myself off the ground and caressed the back of my neck lightly. Tyson shook his head and continued to stare at the direction of the waterfall. “Dude what is-”
I looked over at the waterfall, and there the human girl was. Swimming in the lake, with nothing but lace undergarments on. My eyes bulged out my head as I looked at the sight. And trust me, I’ve seem plenty of naked girls, but for some reason her skin was so different. It actually gleamed from the sun’s rays and her eyes changed to the color of the lake.
She hadn’t noticed us yet, thank the God, but I’m glad she didn’t. I liked starring at her almost naked. And I had the feeling Tyson did to.

Tyson’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe my sight. I just couldn’t. She looked like a damn goddess swimming in that lake. I bet Aphrodite would’ve been jealous of her. But that’s not even a good enough comparison.
My eyes caught on something moving from me, and I quickly glanced to my right.
Prince Vance leaned on a tree as he starred in the direction of the human girl. His eyes huge and wide, then a smirk plastered on his face. I jumped from behind the boulder but Clay held me back.
“Just watch.”

Joy’s P.O.V

I was still swimming enjoying the beautiful, clear water, as the day went on. The sun glistened on my face and skin, and I couldn’t even explain how good it felt.
I continued swimming when I felt a presence behind me. I quickly turned and there stood a demon. Tall. Dark brown hair. Big spring bud eyes, and a nice, built body. I almost peed in the water, because he wasn’t looked at my face, he was looking at my body.
“What do you want, demon. And by the way, my face is up here.” I pointed to my head and the demon laughed lightly. Who was this guy?
“You’re a funny one. So what is your name, mortal?” he asked.
I got out of the water and went behind the waterfall, quickly returning with clothes on. He frowned in disappointment, but I didn’t care.
“What is it to you? Don’t you have some pillans or mockers to feed off of or something?” I spat.
He looked taken back, but I could care less. Besides, I have things to do, and he’s ruining the first few hours of my day already.
“I just wanted to know. Besides, you are very attractive for a human. I heard they are ugly creatures.” I snapped.
“Where in hell, do all of you people get you’re information from?” I yelled. He shrugged and continued to stare at me. “Look, if you want to say something, just say it. I don’t have time to waste.”
Something came across his eyes I didn’t recognize, but I shook it off. He sighed and frowned a bit.
“Can we just talk?” he said.
Laughter bubbled in my throat and soon it resonated through the forest. I was laughing so hard I was crying. The demon starred at me, and it just made me laugh harder. After five minutes off it, I clutched my stomach and stopped completely.
“Demon? Just talk? You might as well say “Hey come near me so I can rip you open and take your blood,’” I said in a stupid voice.
He looked disappointed.
“Seriously, I promise not to harm you,” he said.
I shrugged. I didn’t really care anymore. Besides I was going to get killed by something one of these days, right?
“Just tell me about yourself, starting with your name,” I said.
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
“My name is Joy Levine. My favorite color is black. And I like music.” He waited for my to continue, but I didn’t. He starred at me curiously, and I shrugged it off. “What about you?” I stated. It shocked me that I was actually being kind to a monster like him, but if he tried something, I swear I’ll kick his ass.
“My name is Vance, and my favorite color is red. And I like to sit around and play with pillans and water tantrums all day. And trust me the water tantrums get very ag-”
I couldn’t take it.
“Alright, Vance! I don’t want to know what it’s like when you have sex with the nature spirits, and water tantrums!” I spat. He laughed gently, and I cocked an eyebrow. “Why are you being nice to me anyway? You’re a demon, and you aren’t exactly supposed to be being nice to a human,” I said.
“Well, one question…” he trailed on. “How did you know what I was when you first saw me?” he asked. I shuddered at the thought of the answer he was looking for.
I shook my head furiously. I hated that gift, I really did. Because honestly, I never really want to know what someone really is. Humans for instance are a bunch of things. Not only can I tell by the auras but I can easily label them from my vision. It just gives me signs to what someone really is. Pointing out the things that make me figure it out. The gift became very frequent, and I didn’t really have to concentrate on it anymore. It was just there.
“Umm, I just do. I’ve been here long enough to figure it out,” I said.
He was convinced, thank God. Vance nodded and looked at my weirdly. I flared my nostrils and looked around curiously. Awkward silence.
“It’s Vance!” I heard someone scream. I quickly looked behind me and pillans and tantrums were stampeding this way. I hurried and ran to my cave, while he took in all the girls coming after him.
“No! Wait!” he called.
I ignored his bellows and sighed as all the noise went away. I shook my head furiously, trying to get the ringing out of my ears, from their screams. No success. Shit.
I ignored the pain and started toward a different path then yesterday, one that lead to Which Vesta’s witch department. She has been one of my great friends since I’ve been here. She’s exactly 127 years old but looks my age. She acts 17 and surprisingly, has all the same dramatic problems as me.
Unlucky for me, I’m always interrupted by something, but luckily it was just an angel.
She sat there on the tree, babbling to her friends about something with a demon boy and an air tantrum fighting over her. I scoffed. And she heard. Hey, just because they’re angels don’t mean they act like ones.
“I really hope you’re hope ridiculing me, down there human. I swear I’ll come down there and take care of you once and for good,” she spat.
I hugged my shoulder and let out a sarcastic cry.
“Oh what shall I ever do?! An angel is going kick my ass all the way back to Heaven!” The angel rolled her eyes and I chuckled, continuing my trip.

Tyson’s P.O.V

As you know, we’ve been following Joy for quite some time now. She was on her way down the path again, when I jumped to the next tree. I peered around me and didn’t see Clay. I then heard a laugh coming from the trees across from me. Clay was lip-locked with the angel. I rolled my eyes and jumped on the branch he sat on. He flung to the ground, and I hit him upside his head.
“Can you stop being such a man whore, and participate?!” I shouted.
He rolled his eyes and looked back at the angels. He winked, and they giggled. I grabbed his wrist and tugged him ahead.

Regular P.O.V (Joy’s P.O.V)

I crossed the rusty bridge and soon I was to be at Vest’s. I know she would be happy to see me, because I haven’t seen her in a good two weeks.
I walked through the tall, green grass and soon I stood at her shop. I smiled smugly and entered the department.
“Welcome to Vesta’s Witch shop. How may I- JOY?!?!” she squealed. I laughed and she came up and hugged me.
“Hey Vesta, what’s up?” I asked.
She rolled her eyes.
“Nothing much. Just dealing with the rude costumers, and mainly the temper tantrums that weren’t happy with my work. But what can I saw? Sometimes there bodies just like to suck in the smell that lingers around them,” She shrugged. Sometimes, Vesta can be so silly.
“Oh by the way, thanks a lot for that Vampire Repellent. It really came in handy!” I said.
She raised an eyebrow and a smirk grew on her face. Grr…
“What smexy vampire dared to take a bite off my smexy best friend?” she said batting her long eye lashes.
I rolled my eyes and looked at her stupidly.
“Are you serious? Those things are dangerous, Vesta!” I shouted.
She shrugged and made a “Pshhk” sound.
“Not to me they aren’t. Besides you’re stubborn ass probably can handle it anyway,” she said.
I smirked widely and I heard the doors of her shop opened. I didn’t bother looking, because I really wasn’t interested in her customers.
“Hi. Welcome to Witch Vesta’s Witch department. How may I help you two men out today?” she asked.
“Well, might you have some Vampire Repellent?” the voice asked. I recognized that voice.
I turned around and there they were. The vampire and the shapeshifter.
I growled under my breath, as they came closer to the counter which I stood behind.
“You know these two gentlemen?” Vesta pushed.
I grunted.
“Yeah, that’s the stupid vampire I had to use the repellent for. He couldn’t keep his teeth to himself!” I said.
Vesta smiled and took a long look at him, and turned back around at me.
“I told you he was smexy!”
I grunted and covered my face with my hands.
I heard them both laugh and come closer towards the counter.
“Get out,” I said. I looked up and they both had smirks on their face. I laughed and leaned closer. “Get out.” I said coldly.
They stood their and Tyson said, “Do you own this shop?”
I shook my head and pointed to Vesta. “Nope, but she does. And she’s my best friend. So tell them to get out Vesta.”
I smirked at them, but when I heard nothing come from Vesta, I glared at her.
“Well, I want them to stay,” she said.
I grunted and gave up defeated.
This is going to be a long day.