Status: A Maybe Slow Active

Tables Turn

To Impress You

Farron's P.O.V.

I got back 'home' about three hours after I stormed out. I had walked over to one of my friend's house and vented, but I feel calmer now. As long as I don't see or he talks to me, we're fine.

I walked pass the living room and heard my name being called. I walked in to see Mr. Ashton and my mother, not looked so happy. "Yes?"

"Please, sit down Farron," Mr. Ashton commanded. I did what I was told and looked at him." I heard this morning you had some sort of disagreement with my son and you hit him. Was I told right?" I looked at both of them, then down to the ground and nodded. He sighed, "You must realize, Farron, that I don't tolerate any kind of fighting in my house. I know you're a good kid, so I'm not going to give you any kind of punishment." I let out a breath of relief too soon. "But I cannot speak for your mother. All I ask is that you apologize." I nodded, ticked off that Bain had the nerve to go tell on me.

Mr. Ashton had left, which means I'm left with my mom, and no witnesses. "Farron George Wilks, I am so disappointed in you. Mr. Ashton and his family are nice enough to employ us and live in their house. I can't tell you how what you did today could have lost us a job, a good job! Mr. Ashton may not punish you, but I will. You're grounded for a month. No friends or music, and you will have more work to do now. Do you understand?" I nodded, but inside rage was boiling. "Good, now go up and apologize to Bain."

I got up calmly to head for the stairs. Halfway up the stairs my hands were clenching and unclenching. I stood in front of his closed door banged on it.

"Hello?" he answered, but I didn't reply. "Come in?" I opened the door, stepped in, and closed it back. "What do you want?"

A smirk ran across my face when I saw the bruise I had made earlier. "You know, you have some nerve running to Daddy like that."

"What are you talking about?" he asked, sitting up on his bed.

"You, I'm talking about you! How dare you go tell your dad that I hit you, when it was your fault!" By now I was yelling in his face.

He looked scared, but replied anyway, "I never told on you. Why would I want to do that?"

"I don't know! You've always hated me; made my life miserable. How would you like it if I told him all the things you've done to me?" I got so mad I slapped him again. "How do you like that? That's how you make me feel everyday I have to live in this damn house!" He looked up at me with tears filling his eyes. "That's right, fucking cry, bitch. Now you know how I feel." I wanted to hit him again, but refrained and left.

Oddly enough I felt calm when I was sent to my room early


I woke up the next morning and when I got upstairs my mom put me straight to work. I was cleaning the living room, when the doorbell rang.

"Ugh," I sighed and went to see who it was. "Emma, what you are doing here?"

"Hey Farron, I came to see Bain," she said nicely.


"He invited me over, of course," she said, like it was obvious.

I was confused, "When did you talk to him?

"We texted last night. So, where is he?"

Though I was still confused, I directed her to his room, then I went back to cleaning. About an hour later Emma came back down. "You leaving already?"

"Yeah, but we're going to the movies. You want to come?" she asked.

"I kind of can't because your new found friend got me grounded," I replied as kindly as I could about the subject.

"About that, why did you hurt him? He says he didn't tell on you, and I believe him."

I was about to start an argument, but Bain came down. "Alright, I'm ready. Does it look halfway normal?" he asked Emma, while pointing at his cheek. The cheek that was suppose to have a fresh bruise, looked a few days old now. I guess he used cover up.

"It looks a lot better; better than I thought it would be," Emma commented. "Now, let's go." She grabbed his arm, but he stopped.

"Wait Fair, do you want to come?" he asked.

"Only Emma's allowed to call me that," I said, using the tone I've always used with him.

"Alright... Farron, would you like to go to the movies with us?"

'No, I'm grounded bec-" I was cut off by him.

"Oh. I'll be back." He ran off to the kitchen to do whatever.

"You know, it's ok for you to be nice," Emma suggested, "And it's not his fault that he's now calling you 'Fair'. That's mine. Anytime we talk about you, I called you by your nickname."

I was going to ask her why in the world they were talking about me, of all people, but he came back.

"Guess what Fair, you can come with us, and you're not grounded anymore. Great right?" He grabbed onto my arm and pulled me to the limo. I shrugged him off as fast as I could. I saw him roll him eyes at me, then went to talk to David, the driver.

"Hey David."

"Yo Bain, where are you all headed today?" he asked, starting the car.

"To the movies. Can I drive?"

"No," he looked up at the rear view mirror. "There are people here."

"Aw, they won't tell. If I drive, you can meet my new friend," he offered.

David moved the mirror this time. "Emma!"

"You know Em?" Dave nodded. "She's pretty cool, right?" Dave nodded. "So, let me drive." Dave shook his head this time. "Fine, I give."

He sat back down and started up a conversation with Emma, who tried to include me in. I wanted nothing to do with that though.

We were soon at the movie theater and seated. Bain had gone to get popcorn, because we didn't want drinks. Well, I didn't want anything at all.

"'bout time he left."

"Why can't you be nice to him?" she asked with a frown.

"He's not nice to me," I snapped back.

"How can you say that? He got you out of being grounded. How is that not being nice?"

"He was only doing that to impress you and make me look like the bad guy. Hey look it's Justin. Justin, over here!" I changed the subject and waved over to our friend.

"Hey, this seat taken?" I told him no and he sat down.

"Yes! Yes someone is sitting here. Get up, jerk," Emma commanded.

"Oh boo, let Bain find his own seat."

"Bain? You mean that guy who tried to fuck with you in your sleep?" I nodded. "Let me have a piece of him. Nobody messes with my friend." I laughed.

"Both of you stop! He is a nice guy. Bain's nicer guy than both of you put together!"

"Please Emma, why can't you see through his façade? You, my mom, and David don't see how much of a rich snob of a whore he really is. Bain is an ass and I wish you could see it." Justin laughed.

"Emma turned to glare at him, but looked past him. "Bain?"

I looked up, too, to see Bain looking straight back at me. I could see tears and heart break in his eyes. He blinked a few times and began shaking his head. Then he dropped everything in his hands and ran out of the theater.

"Bain, no wait!" She tried to get up follow, but Justin wouldn't move.

"Oh come on Emma," he laughed, "Let the fag run."

I stopped laughing and glared at him. "Come on Emma." I grabbed her hand and went the other way.

"Come on Fair," she started to drag me outside, "We have to find Bain." I rolled my eyes, but allowed her to continue to drag me to the limo. "Hey, Dave, have you seen Bain?" she asked as soon as she saw him.

"Uh yeah, yeah he told me to take you home."

"You know where he is?" David nodded. "Can you take us to him?" He shook his head this time. "What the hell not?"

"We've got an agreement and I promised I wouldn't tell."

I mentally scoffed. Yeah, i bet I know what that agreement is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Bain. A good way to make Fair offended *actuallyIcouldn't thinkofanythingelsetoputtheresoyeah:l*. I feel this chapter sucked ass, because I am in a stressful state at the moment. Oh well, thank you to the four people that have commented. If you have received a comment from me and it freaked you out, sorry. I get overly excited to see new commenters. Also, I lost a subscriber :( I've never had this happen, so I'm bummed at the moment.
Comments make me feel better. Who do you like more at the moment Bain or Farron?

On another note. Please read my new journal.