Status: A Maybe Slow Active

Tables Turn

Haven't Ruined Anything

Bain's P.O.V.

I ran out of the theater on the verge of tears. When David saw me he asked what was wrong, but I avoided the subject. "Tell you later. I'm," I paused to blink away tears, "I'm going to walk around for awhile. Can you get Em home, and meet me in the usual place?"

"Yeah, you buyin'?"

I laughed, wiping away an escaped tear, "Don't I always?" I got up and jogged away. According to my watch it was nearly noon, so i headed toward the area of town where the bulk of the club were. An hour later I was there and walked in.

The bartender eyed me when I sat down at the bar. "Hey kid, let me see some ID."

I sighed, taking out my fake ID to show him, "Mac, you think you'd recognize me. i'm in here almost every other day."
Mac took my ID out of my hand and squinted he looked at it. "Oh Bain!" He handed it back. "Normally don't come in 'til late. You ok?"

"Wha- yeah I'm fine. Day hasn't gone as great as I thought it would."

"Hm, get a lot of people in here who say that. Here ya go. If you’re looking for someone tonight, they usually pour in around six.” He handed me a beer.

“Eh, it’s alright. I’m waiting for a friend anyway. Thanks.”

Mac nodded and returned to whatever he was he was doing before I sat down. It was around 4:30 when David finally showed up. “Hey man, what took you so long?”

“Emma wouldn’t let up on the questions. Every time I asked what happened at the movies she would ask life five more. What’s with you though? It’s been hours and you are still sober.”

“I figured you’d bug me about what happened so I decided to stay sane?”

“Hm and on another note, why must we always go to a gay bar?” He asked looking around.

I rolled my eyes, “Because I’m gay and you’re bi.”

“But I lean more towards girls. Can we go to a straight bar at least once?”

“So what can I get you?” Mac came up and asked. “The usual?”

“Sorry Mac he wants to go somewhere else,” I said, starting to get out of my seat. David on the other hand pulled me back down.

“No, you must have misheard me. Yeah the usual would be great Mac. Thanks.” David smiled after Mac and then turned to me. “You are an ass.”

“What?” I looked at him as he watched the bartender make a drink for David. “Oh, you like Mac!”

David didn’t seem fazed by what I said. He just went on looking at Mac. “Here you go David, your usual.

“Thanks.” I found it funny how David sounded; really out of it. Mac walked off and David looked at me. “Don’t you dare say a word.”

I threw my hands in the air, “Hey I don’t have to say anything. Your starring says enough.”

He looked at me with an appalled look, “I am not starring at him!”

“Pfft, yeah you’re right, what you’re doing isn’t starring, it’s called fucking with your eyes,” I laughed.

“Stop changing the subject and tell me what happened at the movie,” He pouted and sipped on his drink.

I sighed, “There isn’t much to tell. Farron hates me and apparently he has expressed to his friends how much he hates me.” I got another beer. “I went to go get some popcorn and when I got back he and some guy were calling me names. I admit they were true, but it still hurt.”

“That can’t be it… can it?”

“No, the other morning I woke up and he was in my bed. Then he was trying to come onto me, so like an idiot I went for it. Apparently he was asleep because suddenly he started yelling at me. I tried to tell him different and slapped me and left. When he came back yell some more and yeah…”

“You like Farron? I didn’t know that.”

“Don’t worry I don’t anymore. I ruined any chance I had with him.”

“Yeah, fat chance. When I started working for your family, I remember how bad you treated me? I gotta say I hated you. Then Farron moved in and you were suddenly nice to me. Now look at us, we’re friends. See you haven’t ruined anything.”

“Hm, thanks but I think I’m just going to get wasted and find me a guy.” I already felt buzzed. David just shook his head and finished off his drink.

“Hey David,” Mac said as he came to replace our drinks, “I get off early tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go do something?”

David didn’t say anything for the longest time, but when I was about to answer for him, he spoke up, “I- uh- well…” Good job David. “I can’t I have to get Bain home and yeah you know.”

“Oh,” a rejected Mac let out a breath. “Maybe we can go out some other time then?”

“Whoa David!” They looked at me. “You go off and have some fun for once. I’m not a baby you know. I can make it home.”

David looked like he was going to kill me. “Then I guess I’m free for the night.” Mac smiled and tried to use a flirty tine. It was funny. He soon left to serve other people some drinks. “I hate you.”

“Whatever, I got you a date with Mister Six Pack over there.”

“Oh come on if anything he’s a Mister Eight Pack,” David argued and then went back to starring.

I grinned, “Bet you a hundred he has a six.”

“You are so on, and I still hate you.”

After awhile I wondered over to some guys because David kept on looking at Mac.


I woke up the next morning with a hangover. When I turned over there was some guy sleeping in my bed. I shook him awake. “Wake up and get out.”

“Alright, just stop shaking me,” he grumbled, putting on his cloths. “Name and number are on your arm. Call me sometime?”

I rolled my eyes at the guy as he left. Like hell I’ll call him. The dude wouldn’t stop sucking on my neck. I mean seriously, I almost got sick of it. Whatever, I got up to take a shower and when I got out Emma was sitting on bed.

I smiled, “Hey Em.” She didn’t return it. “Uh, what’re you up too?”

“Oh don’t give me that!” She yelled, crossing the room to me. “I understand running off after Fair and Justin said those things, but what the fuck was with that guy? Who is he?”

I frowned and squinted at my arm. “Er… John?” I casually covered the marks on my neck with my hand.

“So you fucked some guy you didn’t know? I though you liked Fair.” I shook my head. “Is it because of what he said?” I shrugged. “You should know it’s not true.”

She grabbed my arm, but I shook it off. “No. No I know what he said was true. I am an ass. Hell, I’m the biggest whore I know.”

“Oh Bain don’t cry.”

“I’m not crying…” or am I? Em reached up and wiped away some of the escaped tears. “Oh.” I paused and wrapped my arms around her. I just needed a hug right now, and I’m happy that she returned it.

“Damn what the fuck did he do to your neck?” She asked.

“I know,’ I say with irritation, “I can’t believe he did that. It was pretty annoying.”

“Hm so what do you want to do today?”

“You’re not mad at me?” I’m somewhat shocked. I was sure that she would yell at me for a good hour.

“I guess not, I mean as long as you don’t get hurt. Just don’t see that guy again.” I nodded my head rapidly. “Get dressed and we’ll do something fun.”

I did as she said and we went outside. When we pasted the garage, David was working on one of the cars.

“Hey David,” I greeted. “What did you do last night?”

“Damn it! Hold on.” He finished what he was doing and stood up, wiping off his greasy hands. “OK now what?”

“What happened with you and Mac?”

“Oh uh, you know.” We just blinked at him. “God, he took me somewhere to eat and that was it. I made a complete fool of myself.”

“That can't be it. He was so into you it wasn't even funny.”

“No? he asked me out tonight since he has the day off. Actually, I should go home and get ready.” He said bye and left.

I was confused, “What time is it?”

Em looked down at her watch. “It’s two in the afternoon.”

“Damn,” I said, drawing out the ‘a’. “Whelp let’s go do something.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh. My. God! I feel so bad that I haven't been updating! D: I know it is no excuse, but I had been overloaded with work. This week alone I have a math test, a film midterm, work on a research paper, and work on an informative speech.

I haven't been completely neglecting this story though! between math and English I have been writing this out on paper :)

I didn't really like this chapter :|
I don't really like the next few chapters, but I like where it is heading... if I'm able to transition to that point.
As always thank you to the people who comment (& the people who commented last time) and the people who still subscribe. Please comment so I know there are still people out there that read this. It would make my busy life brighter.