Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.


Hey there, it's good to see you again


So haven't seen Magie in about a year, roughly. I haven't talked to her in about 6 months.

All because one night, that extra beer after the show with the venue owner's daughter sounded like a really good idea...

But looking back, it's probably the worst decision I've ever made. And now I want to fix it.

I just don't wanna make things the way they were, I want them better than they were.

I don't even know if I'll have time to fix things, I'm supposed to be recording our new album.

But I always get distracted easily, that's how I got into this mess in the first place.


As I lay on the couch with Trevor, I can't help but think I'd rather be in the arms of Alex.

Yea, Trevor's about the nicest guy I've ever met and he loves me and all....

But he's just not Alex

I guess no one is.....not even him anymore...

I guess I just hold onto these ideas of what Alex used to be and expect to be that Alex.

Trevor noticed I thinking not about the movie he chose to watch.

"What are you thinking bout?"

"Nothing...just the usual. School, work, us." I said with a smile and then kissed him to quickly change the subject.

He kissed back with no resist.

I love that I could have this effect on somebody.

I was used to only Alex having that effect on me.

We were full on horizontal by the time Jack and the band (include him) came into our living room.

(Me and Jack share and apartment. Because 1. I can't afford one on my own and 2. he's like never home so doesn't want his own)

"Wow! Are we..umm..interrupting something?" Jack said

I stood up and fix my clothes.

" everybody this is Trevor. I'm sure you've all heard about him from Alli, Kara, and Hana. Trevor this is Jack, Zack, Rian, and of course Alex."

When I said Alex, you wold have thought I called Trevor's mom a name or something.

He looked at Alex is such I should be looking at him

Then I noticed the look on Alex's face.

It was the first time in a year I had seen him, and looked just as sad as the last time.


We pulled into Jack's driveway.

We all decided to go to his house, since it was late and the rest of us still live with our parents.

We were gonna order pizza and watch Coraline in 3D.

So we all piled up out of the car.

Zack and Jack raced to the door….

Zack won. There’s a surprise.

Jack, of course had to unlock the door though. We all followed Jack in. We heard the TV on in the distance.

We walked into the living room to see Magie and some ass wipe making out on the couch. I didn’t whether to throw up, rip him off of her and punch him, or rip him off of her and kiss her.

So I just stood there quietly as Magie said some stuff. Then as she said my name, and she smiled a little.

But then I saw the look on “Trevor’s” face.


So the guys all ended up staying the night.

Even Trevor, who got along great with the guys, well except for with Alex, but that was expected.

We got pizza and ended up watching Zoolander.

I was getting tired, Trevor noticed.

“You wanna go to bed?”

I just nodded and he picked me up. I just waved to everyone.

He laid me down on the bed and hopped in next to me.

I snuggled up next to under the bed and kissed him goodnight.

And whispered “Goodnight Trevor, I love you.”

I could almost hear him smile.

He kissed the top of my head and softly said “I love you too”


It was gross how everyone suddenly loved Trevor, even though they’ve know for minutes, and the first time they saw him was making-out with Magie.

I don’t like him. Maybe it’s just because he’s dating the girl I love, or maybe because he seems like an ass….but I don’t trust him.

While we were watching Zoolander, Magie and Trevor were being all coupley, and it really pissed me off.

I think they’re doing it on purpose, but whatever.

I’m not gonna let it get to me.

Half way through the movie, she fell asleep.

She looked so beautiful.

He picked her up and took her away.

And from that moment on, I knew I either had to fight for her and save her from the mess he’s gonna cause her or let her suffer and have my own fun.

I had already made up my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter.
I never update this fast, so don't get used to it.
tell what you think, honestly.
This what Trevor looks like by the way
You're Welcome