Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.


It never felt right calling this just friends


We had been home for about two weeks already.

And I hadn’t seen Magie since the first night we came home.

Jack didn’t like me being over there too much, and I don’t think Magie minded that.

She was too happy with Trevor, who all the guys loved. But I still doubted him.

I guess it was just the jealousy in me, but that doesn’t mean he was a good guy.

The only good thing that came out of all this frustration is the songs I wrote because of it.

This whole tour, I had missed Magie. Just hearing her voice, being near her, or going to her house

But now, I still can’t do that, and I’m at home. Nothing has changed.

But by the end of the winter, everything will have had to. I plan on changing everything by my birthday. (December 14th)

I have to make this promise to myself; it’s the only way I’ll get it done. And I don’t want to think about what I’ll do if I don’t have Magie by my birthday…

Today though, we were having a band meeting. We were going out to dinner at our favorite diner and then chilling at one of our houses, probably Jack’s. I was probably going to see her today. I had to look my best. After spending nearly an hour getting ready, I headed over to the dinner. I walked, it was close enough.

When I got there, they were all sitting at our table, the big round booth in the back. I walked over with a smile seeing Magie sitting with them. I sat down next to her, and everybody looked at me really weird.

“What? Do I have shit on my face or something?”

“No, it’s just ,um, it’s been a while since we’ve seen you smile.” Jack said

“And that’s Trevor’s seat” Magie added

“Oh, ok, I’ll move when he comes back.”

I didn’t move and I looked over at Magie, she was giving me the death stare.

“Hey Mags, what’s up?”

“Don’t give me that shit Alex, the only reason you’re here is because for some reason, my brother and his friends still like you.” She whispered

With that, I moved over next to Rian and shut up. Seconds later Trevor came and sat down next to Magie. He put his arm around her shoulder. The two of them made me sick, not only because it was Magie with another man, but because my heart is still broke and seeing that kind of lovely dovey shit makes me want to throw up.

I have a feeling its gonna be a long night.


I haven’t seen Alex in two weeks. And it’s starting to hurt less and less being away from him.
And it’s not because Trevor is always around, because he’s not. Trevor’s never around, he’s always at work, working late, or hanging with his friends. And when he is around, he only wants sex.

It’s really pissing me off, but Jack and the guys love him, except for Alex of course, which is another reason I love having Trevor around. He kills Alex just by being there.

But today, I was going to have to see Alex, and try not to crumble and cry at his feet or mount him. Either way it was going to be a struggle.

I was going to see him because the band was having a meeting and it was at the local diner, which is the best food place ever.

Trevor was meeting us there after he met up with his friends.

We sat there for a few minutes, the guys were talking among themselves and I was just sitting there playing with my phone. About five minutes later, he walked in. He looked really really really good. He was wearing his tightest jeans, a nice grey v-neck, a red flannel shirt, a beanie, a pair of converse, and his perfect smile to top it off.

His walked over to the table and sat down right next to me.

I can’t believe he just did that. And he just sat there with his big old cocky smile, as if nothing went wrong between us.

But it didn’t make sense to me. Alex was never the arrogant guy around me. He was always my Alex, the sensitive unconfident and lonely guy. But now he was acting the sophomoric pompass douche.

“What? Do I have shit on my face or something?” he said slyly

“No, it’s just ,um, it’s been a while since we’ve seen you smile.” Jack said… I think he meant a real smile. I’m sure he was smiling when he got drunk every night on tour.

“And that’s Trevor’s seat” I said, reminding Alex of Trevor, his new worse enemy. I knew Alex hated Trevor, just by the look on his face and the fact that Alex hadn’t been by the apartment the whole time they were trying to win me back. Which sadden me in a weird way I hadn’t expected.

“Oh, ok, I’ll move when he comes back.” Alex grumbled out with a big phony smile on.

I just just sat there and continued to give him the death stare.

“Hey Mags, what’s up?” he said through his stupid not sexy smirk.

“Don’t give me that shit Alex, the only reason you’re here is because for some reason, my brother and his friends still like you.” I whispered. It took everything in me not break down right then and there.

He finally caught on and moved next to Rian. Then Trevor came in, sat down next to me, and put his arm around me. It made me happy, not actually Trevor, but having someone there that kind of cared. Or at least cared more than Alex did, or used to rather. Not only that made me happy, but it was also the glimpse of jealously and anger I saw in Alex’s eyes for a split second. That look made going out with this narcissistic asshole almost worth it.

But almost is the keyword there. I want to end it with Trevor, but then that’s just another reason for Alex to try to be with me again.


After about an hour or two of sitting there staring at my shoes and eating french fries, I was ready to leave. Actually I had been ready to leave since Magie’s slacker douche of a boyfriend came in to the diner.

Not nearly soon enough, we all pulled our wallets out to chip in for the check. Then we all took our delicious leftovers and headed to our respective cars. On the way out, Magie and Trevor separated after exchanging loud words. I walked over to her to make sure she was okay, I could hear her sobbing. I sat down next to her on the hood of her car.

“What was that about?”

“Go to hell.”

“Nah, I kind of like sitting next to you better.”

“I don’t give a shit, leave me the fuck alone.”

“Well you don’t seem like you’re in a stable state to drive or do just about anything. So, as a friend, I don’t think I can let you just sit here all night in this cold Maryland weather, let alone drive.”

“Fuck you Alex. I’m perfectly fine to drive.”

“Honey, you can fuck anytime you want, just take a number. And if you’re so fine to drive, then why are you literately shaking in your boots. You’re worse than a damn tickle me Elmo.”

“It’s just cause I’m cold.”

With that I took my jacket off of her and threw it around her shoulders. She pulled it closer to herself, but yet that terrible sobbing sound continued to come out of her.

“So how’s that shivering going?”

“Shut up.” But then she got up and started walking away.

“Where are you going?”I said still sitting on the car but yet turning towards her.

“I’m going to your car dumb nuts. You wanna come so you can drive me?”

With that I jumped up and ran to my car, opening the door for her. Then I ran around, hooped into the car, and started it up.

“So mine or yours?”

“I don’t care, I just want to be on a couch with cookies watching some chick flick that makes my life seem less shitty.”

“Deal, I think I still have a copy of Titanic somewhere, there’s cookie dough in the fridge if you want to eat that instead of making the cooking, and I have sweatpants around too.”


And with that we drove off to my apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this took forever to update....but then again you guys haven't commented. at. all.
so yeah.
oooo and fix any future o r current confusion, Magie is Jack's ADOPTED sister.
now i did this for Magie as a Thanksgiving like present, and I might do it again for Christmas, but if you don't feel like waiting till then, than FUCKING COMMENT!!!!!
oooooo and here's one of my favorite all time low interview thingy: