Music Is My Vision

Jane Alaine Morrison
Age: 17
Jane was born blind from a vitimin c deficiency. However she is able to live like a normal teenager with the help of her twin brother, William. She is moving to a new town and starting her junior year in a new school while trying to keep her problem on the downlow. No one can tell she is blind unless she takes off her glasses. Her eyes are the milky colour of the moon and are constanly freaking people out whenever they see them. Her handicap doesnt bother her too much, she only wishes that her brother would let her fend for herself once in a while though, but all he wants is the best for her. Her parents are work-a-holics and her family isnt the richest on the block but they mannage. Her favorite band : Queen

William James Morrison
Age: 17
Jane's older twin brother, he is always wathcing out for Jane and would never let anything bad happen to her. He is a great running back and has got a good body and cute face but gave up football and popularity to help take care of Jane. Favorite band : Led Zeppelin

Shawn Michael Morrison
Age: 13
Youngest sibling in the Morrison family, Shawn keeps quiet about his sisters condition but is more outgoing then both Jane and William seeing as how he doest really have any problems or responsibilities. He is in eighth grade and plays linebacker for his school team. Favorite band : Pink Floyd

Alexandre Duncan Dixon
Age: 17
Current wide reciver on the high school football team and is considered by most of the girls in Ramos High to be the hottest kid in the school. He likes his classic rock and his normal outfit is a baggy band tee and a pair of jeans and sneakers. Favorite band : The Cure

Shana Joey Johnson
Age : 17
Determined to get with Alex just like every other popular girl in school, only she has the advantage of money and good connections. Even though Alex clearly isn't into any girl on the cheerleading squad they all try fruitlessly to be the one who he wants. They change their style and personalities to be his perfect girl.
  1. A New Beginning
    Chapter 01
  2. Friendships
    Chapter 02