Status: Complete


Chapter Two

I had turned my phone on as I walked out of CBC studios and onto Yongue Street. Just as I put it back into my bag, it started to ring. Looking at the number, I didn't recognize it. Cautiously, I answered "Hello?"

"Hey Charli. It's Jordan."

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

"We just got back to Deanne's house. How did the screen test go?"

"I think it went well. Don was really nice about it. I'll know if I got the job next week sometime."

"That's awesome. I know that you said to text you, but I forgot to tell you something about the wedding,"He said, sounding a little nervous."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. It's just that the wedding is in Thunder Bay."

I laughed a little, "Thunder Bay? Yea, sure. That's no big."

I heard him take a giant sigh. "Great. I thought you'd be mad or something."

"Mad? There's no way I'd be mad. Unless I had to work or go to school. Which I don't"

"Sweet. We're going to leave at about 6 am on Thursday."

"Good God, boy. What do you do, wake up with the roosters?"

He laughed. "Most times, no. But it's a 16-hour drive s we want to start early."

"Makes sense. So I'll get the dress tomorrow and sleep over with you guys. That way, I'll know I'm awake."

"Sound's good. Just make sure you text me the color of the dress so I can go get a tie to match."

"Well, I already know what the dress looks like."

"Really? You're fast"

"Ha ha. I saw it on the way to CBC, so I put it on hold. I think I'll go back and get it now."

"What color is it?"

"'s green and blue. You might have a better shot at matching the blue over the green.

Tell you what. I'll come down after supper tomorrow and we'll go get you a tie."

"Sound's great. Let me know when you're ready so I can swing by and pick you up."

"Jordan, you don't have to come pick me up. Deanne's house is 45 minutes away from me. I'll just meet you."

"No, I refuse. Besides, I want to pick you up."

"Well, I can't argue with that, now can I?"

"Nope. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, bye."


Putting my phone back into my bag, I thought to myself Wow, that boy is persistent!" I tried the dress on and if fit like a glove. So I bought it. Once I finally got home, I ordered pizza with my aunt - Deanne's mom - and hung out with her.

"Any plans for the weekend?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I'm going to Thunder Bay with Deanne for a wedding."

"Who's your date?"

"Eric's brother, Jordan." I pulled a picture up on the screen of my laptop.

"Wow, he's a cutie. I probably won't get to see you before you leave, so have a good time. Call or text me when you get there. Good night."

"I will. Night."


I woke up around 10 and had a shower. After doing my hair and eating breakfast, I grabbed my phone & keys and headed to the mall. I had taken a picture of the dress so I knew what colors to go by. After buying all of my accessories, I went and had a manicure and pedicure. While they were putting the finishing touches on my feet, I texted Jordan.

Hey. How was your night?

Good. Are you ready?

Almost. I'm getting a pedicure now and then heading back to the house.

So if I left now I wouldn't be early?

Nope. I'm leaving the salon now. I'm pretty much packed, just have to put the finishing touches on my suitcase.

Alright. I'm leaving now.

Ok. Wait a minute. Do you even know how to get here?

The car has GPS and Deanne gave me the address, so I'm good. I'll see you in a bit.

Ok, bye! :)

I got home and finished packing. By the time I had everything accounted for, the door bell rang. Looking though the spyglass, I saw that it was Jordan.

"Hey. You ready?"

"Yep. Just let me grab my dress."

He had grabbed my suitcase and laptop bag and started for the car. After triple checking to make sure I had everything, I locked the door and went to the car.

"We can hang the dress up in the window, and I want to see the colors."

I hung the dress up and opened its bag.

"Wow, that is beautiful. Alright, we'll try and get both colors."

I smiled and went to sit up in the front seat, noticing that there was a Caramel Frapp waiting for me.

"How did you know that Caramel Frapps are my favorite?" I asked, taking a sip.

"Deanne told me. And we're going to get stuck in traffic so I figured we'd need something."

After sitting and finding nothing on the radio, I turned to Jordan. "Twenty questions?"

"Me first. Favorite movie?"

"The Lion King. Favorite song?"

He laughed. "Detroit Rock City. Food?"

"Almond twists and Pad Thai. Color?"

"Blue. Yours?"

"Purple.... incase you couldn't tell by the colors of my luggage."

We laughed and kept playing. I learned that he loved to lay on freshly laid sod, and that he dreams of playing for the Leafs. His favorite feature on a girl is their eyes, and he loves a good back rub.

"What about you? What's the first thing that you notice in a guy?"

"His miles. How it lights up his face and the room he's in. And his laugh." Little did he know I was talking about him.

"Dream Job?"

"Director of Communications for the Leafs. I figure that by the time I graduate, I'll have enough work experience to apply directly."

We managed to get to the off-ramp shortly after that and made our way to the suit shop. Parking the car, we both got out and made our way inside. We picked out four ties - two that were the exact shades of green and blue, and two that were a little darker. Jordan and I got back into the car and drove to Deanne's house.

After having a BBQ and cleaning up, Deanne pulled me aside while the boys set up to watch a movie.

"You're ok with sleeping in the living room, right?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"You're not going to be alone. Jordan's sleeping down there too."

"He really likes me, doesn't he?"

"Head over heels. I hooked you up, now it's time for you to 'hook up'" She said with a laugh.

"You're sick you know that. Very, very sick."

We both laughed and went downstairs to watch the movie.

I sat down on the love seat with Jordan, who had his arm causally draped on the back of it. Towards the middle of the movie, I felt my eyes begin to droop. I looked at Jordan and whispered "Do you mind if I use you as a pillow?"

"No, go ahead."He smiled down at me. I laid my head on his shoulder and he instantly placed his arm around me, cuddling me close to him."

"Comfy?" He whispered.

I simply nodded in reply. Feeling my eyes droop once again, I snuggled closer to Jordan.

"Go to sleep. I'll wake you when it's over."

"Ok." I smiled at him and gave into sleep.

When I woke up, everything was quiet and I was moving. I looked over Jordan's shoulder to see that we weren't on the couch, but we were making our way to the air mattress. I felt him lay be down before I let him realize I was awake.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I whispered.

"Because you looked too comfortable. And you didn't miss much of the movie," He whispered back, laughing slightly as he sat on the couch.

"Where are you sleeping?"

"Right here, on the couch."

"No way. Come sleep with me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You're way too big for that couch. And besides, you're a good cuddler." I blushed, picking at the sheets.

"I am, am I? I move around a lot in my sleep though. I don't want to keep you up."

"You won't keep me up. Now come here. I want you to."

He smiled. "Well, I can't say no to that."

"Nope." I smiled at my slight victory.

Jordan got up off the couch and took his shirt off before laying down on the air mattress beside me. We both lay in silence before he spoke.



"Can I hold you?" He asked.

I felt the blush creep up my cheeks. "Sure. I'd like that."

He shifted to lay on his side, draping his arm over my hip. I shifted so my back was flush against his chest. I could feel his heartbeat though my shirt. It was pounding. He was so warm and comfortable that I felt sleep claim me again.

"Night, Jordan."

"Night, Babe. I mean, Charli"

Wait a second! I bolted up in bed. "Did you just call me Babe?"

"It slipped out." He said, looking down at his hands.

"Did you mean it at all?"

"Yes. I really like you, Charli. I want to be with you if you'll let me."

"Of course I'll let you. I might suck at being a girlfriend though."


"I've never been a girlfriend before.' I admitted, looking away.

"Why?"Jordan asked, turning my head to look him in the eyes.

"Because no one wants me on their arm. I mean, look at me. I'm not skinny, I don't have perfect skin. I'm surprised you want me. You're gorgeous."

"So are you. I don't care what you look like. Well, I do, but not as much as you think. When we were in the car today, the girl that I was describing was you. I love your laugh, your smile. I don't like the girls you just described because they're fake. I want to be able to date someone who looks the same when they wake up as they do when they go to bed. I want you."

Tears sprang in my eyes.

"Hey now. Don't cry. I really like you, Charli. You're perfect for me." Jordan said as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"I really like you too, Jordan?"

"Can I kiss you?"

I nodded my head. Jordan brought his left hand up to cup my cheek and pull me closer. He bent his head slightly and his lips met mine. They were so soft and inviting. I felt his tongue lick my lips. I opened my mouth slightly. He took full advantage and we started making out. Jordan pushed me back so I was laying laying down with him on top of me. He kissed me softly and stopped.

"I don't want to take advantage of you."

"Ok we'll wait for later. But, Jordan?"

"Yea, Babe?"

"I want you to be my first."

"I'm honored. Really, I am."

I smiled into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Goodnight, Boyfriend."

"Goodnight, Love."

I smiled into his chest and drifted off to sleep.