Status: Complete


Chapter 9

It had been three years since I met Jordan and we've been together ever since. He won another Cup with Pittsburgh in 2011. He had had no ill-effects from the surgery and his Granddad was doing better than ever.

About two years into our relationship, Jordan had decided to lease an apartment in Toronto. One night when he was in town, he told me that it was ours and I could live in it permanently if I wanted to. So, I lived in a million dollar condo on Lakeshore Boulevard for my last years of school.

My job was great. I already had enough experience to be considered to a directors position when I graduated. Jordan and I had decided that it would be easier for me to work in Canada than the US, and that he would only negotiate with Canadian teams when his contract ended his year.

Today was my graduation day, June 25, 2012. Jordan had flown in shortly after getting back from the World championships - he played in that because the Pens didn't make the playoffs. My parents were also here for it. As I walked across the stage to get my degree, I couldn't help but smile knowing that my boyfriend was here with me.

"Congratulations, Baby." Jordan said as I met up with him and my parents after the ceremony.

"Thank you." I smiled, leaning in to give my mom a hug.

"Mom and Dad couldn't make it, but they sent you these." Jordan said, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

We were having pictures taken when I noticed a familiar face stand behind my dad.

"Charli? Would I be able to have a word with you?" Brian Burke, GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs asked.

My dad's jaw hit the ground. A Leafs fanatic, he had never dreamed of standing so close to the GM. I simply nodded and walked over to Brian.

"I know that this is quite unorthodox, but we know what you can do. We would have hired you sooner, but you lacked the education. Now that you have it, I'd like to offer you a job,"

"Really?" I asked a little astounded at what he had said.

"Yes. We'd like you to be the Director of Communications for the Leafs. We'll put you on the payroll now so you'll have an income during the summer, and you'll start in September."

"Do you want a decision now?"

"No, dear. Take your time. Let us know next week." Mr. Burke smiled and left.

"Well, what did he say?" Dad asked as we made our way to the car.

"I just got offered my dream job."

"Seriously?" Jordan asked, stopping dead in his tracks.

"Yea. They're going to put me on the payroll when I say yes, and I start in September."

"That's awesome, Baby." He said.

"I know. But you and I will have to talk about it."

Jordan nodded and we got in the car. After having dinner with my parents, they left to head back to my aunts house, leaving Jordan and me to ourselves.

I went and and had a quick shower, got dressed in my pajamas, and went out and sat on the patio. The rain was heavily falling and lightening streaked across the sky. Out of the whole apartment, my favorite place to be during a thunder storm was on the patio. It somewhat relaxed me to be out in the storm, but be in the safety of my deck at the same time.

"You alright?" Jordan asked as he stepped out on the patio and sat down on the seat beside me.

"Mmhmm, I like storms."

"Have you thought about the job yet?"

"I have. I think I'm going to take it. It's my dream job and like you said, it'll be harder for me to get clearance to get a job in the States."

He nodded. "And it's easier for me to move around than it is for you. My contract is up at the end of the season anyway."

"Will we be ok?: I asked, looking into his eyes for the first time in the conversation.

"Of course we will. I'll do whatever I can to put us in the same city. Don't worry about it , Charli. We'll be alright. I love you way too much to let this relationship suffer."

"Aww, babe. I love you too."

I leaned in and kissed him. Jordan wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled to watch the thunderstorm.

After I accepted the job and filled out the necessary paper work, Jordan and I took off to Thunder Bay for the summer. I kept busy by doing advertising for Henry, and Jordan did all the work on the sod farm.

The summer flew and we were separated once again. After the Christmas break, Hope and I decided to go to the spa. I told everyone at work that my Blackberry would be turned off, so they shouldn't bother to call me.

"So, how's work?"

"Good. There's a road trip coming up. I don't know if I'm going on it yet. Danielle and Marc are getting married during the All Star Break so I might just head up to Thunder Bay early."

"They're getting married? How cute!" Hope said.

"I know. They're been together for seven years, I think it's about time."

"How about you and lover boy?"

I paused. "Well, we haven't tough about it. I know he thinks about it because Deanne and Eric got married last summer in Cabo and now Marc is getting married. We'll get to that when we finally live in the same city."

The rest of our treatments finished and we went out separate ways. I turned on my Blackberry and was told in a message that I had to be at work immediately. There was a glitch and I needed to come down and fix it.

When I walked into Brian's office, I saw him talking to Jordan.

"Jordan? What are you doing here?"

"Say hello to the newest Leaf." Brain said.

I was floored. Jordan didn't even bother to tell me that he was coming to town, let alone that he was getting traded.

"How long?"

"The contract? Fourteen years, ninety-five million."

"Really. I'm gonna go file some papers."

I left and went to my office. Jordan followed shortly after.

"Charli, are you mad?"

"Mad? No I'm not mad, I'm furious. Jordan, how could you not tell me?"

"Not tell you? I didn't even know myself. I went to the airport thinking I was going on the road trip with the team, but Mario tells me that I'm traded to Toronto. I didn't get to say goodbye to the guys yet."

"What about the contract? Ninety-five million dollars, Jordan?"

"Brian sat down with me and my agent and told me that they love having you here. And in order to keep you, they'd have to keep me. So here I am - with a no trade clause."

I stood and took that information in. Jordan and I were actually living and working in the same city.

"Well. That still doesn't change the fact that you didn't call me."

"Babe, your phone was off."

"No message?"

"I hate message managers, you know that." Jordan said stepping closer to me.

I backed away. "You should probably get back to Brian. The media guys are going to want to take your picture and do an interview for the website. Do you have your key to the apartment?" He nodded. 'Well, would you check out of the hotel and come home tonight? We really should talk about this."

Jordan nodded and left. He turned at the door and looked me in the eye. He had this immense look of sadness in his eyes and a lone tear slid down his cheek.

As soon as he left I let my tears fall. We just had our first fight. Were we even going to be ok again?

I sat in my office chair and cried for a long time before I collected myself and headed home.

I walked into the apartment building and got in the elevator. Was Jordan even here? Would he even come home? All the evil thoughts played through my mind and I pretty much thought that I lost my boyfriend. I banished those ideas from my head and got off the elevator when it stopped on my floor - yes, you guessed it - the 11th floor.

I walked into the apartment and took my shoes off, finally being able to relax. Turning the corner to the dining room, I saw a giant arrangement of flowers. They were all red and pink roses. I looked at the card an started to bawl again;

I'm sorry. I should have called you before I went to the airport. I should have called Hope's phone seeing as she's always with you. If I'm not home when you get in, I will be before you go to bed. I love you. Jordan.

I smiled to myself and walked into the kitchen to make something for supper. When I got to the fridge, I saw another note taped to the door.

Charli, get ready. I'm taking you out for dinner. Meet me at High Park at 7:30. Jay.

Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was already seven so I pulled my hair out of the bun it was in and tousled it. Hauling on a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, i put my uggs on, grabbed my coat and purse, and headed out the door.

As I walked down the street, I remembered all of the time Jordan and I spent at the park. We'd go down there and walk the trails while he was still recovering from surgery. We'd go and watch the performances in the park, or just go to relax and get out of the house.

I made my way to our favorite spot - the gazebo by the lake and saw that Jordan wasn't alone. He was joined by Henry & Linda, and what looked to be my parents.

"Hey guys. Why are you here?" I asked my parents.

"Meh. We had some time off so we figured we would come visit you."

"Sweetheart, we know what happened." Linda said.

"Yea, it's probably all over the news.

"Not that. The things that happened behind closed doors." Henry said. I hung my head. So they were talking to Jordan.

"Remember that conversation you and I had three years ago?" I nodded. "Don't send it back to the way it was before."

"Where is Jordan anyway?" I asked.

"Right behind you."

I turned around to see Jordan standing there. He looked so handsome in his dress coat and wool hat. I felt so under dressed because he was still in his suit.

"Jordan, I'm really sorry about today. I'm really happy that you're here."

"Don't go apologizing, Charli. I should have called. I shouldn't have done what I did without clearing it with you." Jordan said stepping closer to me.

"What do you mean? You were traded, we couldn't have done anything about it."

Jordan looked guilty and bowed his head.

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

"I wasn't traded. I asked to be moved."

"You what? Ok, I was furious again.

"But I did it for us." Jordan pleaded.

"You've got some explaining to do, Jordan Staal."

"Well, long distance relationships work, but long distance marriages don't."

"Did you just say marriage? Jordan, what are you talking about?"

"Exactly what I said. Charli, I love you. I love how your smile brightens up a room. I love how patient you are with me - and you know how stubborn I get. When you came into my life, you brought me out of a place I never want to go back to." He said as he lowered himself to one knee, taking my left hand in his.

"Jordan, what are you doing?"

"Charli Davis, would you do me the honor of marrying me?" He hauled out a Tiffany's box and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond and sapphire ring.

"Yes. Yes of course I'll marry you." I said. Jordan stood up and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

"I love you, Baby."

"I love you too, Jordie."

Our parents came and congratulated us and we then went out to supper. Jordan and I said our goodbyes to them and we walked, hand in hand, to the condo.


"I love you, Jordan." I said

"Love you too, Charli."

We entered the elevator and he immediately attacked my neck. I can't say I didn't love the feeling because I did.

"Baby, we're in an elevator." still enjoying this lovely sensation.

"Your point?" He said with an evil grin.

This time, he knew where my spot was so he didn't need to waste anytime. I was letting out soft and faint moans. Then, his nibble turned into one extremely harsh bite. I let out such a loud moan that if this elevator wasn't soundproof, they would have heard me down the street. I can tell that he liked that I moaned that hard because I felt him smirk on my skin and bite me a little harder. Oh! how I was enjoying this.

He was slipping off my shirt...

"Ok, Jordan. We're still in the elevator."

"I know.....once again, your point?"

He smiled his signature Jordan Staal smile and yanked off my shirt. I didn't think this would, but it was turning me on so, so much. I felt myself getting wet already. If I'm getting this wet now, I'd hate to see what I'll be like when we actually get going. I'll probably be drenched. Right when he was at my belt and about to yank it off, we heard the *ding* sound and the elevator door opened.

"Damn" I mumbled under my breath so Jordan couldn't hear me.

The second we set foot off the elevator, he grabbed me and kissed me again. We walked to the door still not breaking the kiss. He grabbed his key and opened the door without even breaking contact with me. Man! He really knows what he's doing. The minute we entered through the door, he picked me up and brought me to the bedroom. He laid me down gently and got on top of me. He immediately unhooked my bra and took my left breast in his mouth.

"Uh," I moaned.

He suddenly stopped sucking and I didn't understand why, until he started rubbing my left nipple and tugged gently at the right one with his teeth. This was amazing. I never knew that Jordan Staal could make a woman feel this way. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.

He slipped off my pants and he was heading for my underwear. I didn't think this was very fair - he was going to undress me while he was still fully clothed? So, before he removed my only piece of clothing, I reached for his shirt. I was going to pull it off but he stopped me. I didn't understand why. He had no problem when we had sex the first time after the surgery, and hadn't for the past three years. I don't understand why he was having issues with his scars now.
"Jordan, it's ok." I said, trying to reassure him.

"But Charli, it's not the same."

"Jordan, it's been three years since the surgery and you're still upset about them? I love you no matter what. Scars or no scars, I"m still going to be with you." I said, giving him a light kiss.

"Yeah, but once you see them.."

"Once I see them what? It's still not changing anything. I love you, ok? So don't worry. And besides, I"m sure you look even hotter with your scars." I said, biting down on my lower lip.

"If you say so. So, Charli, shall we continue?" He asked.

"That's my Jordan."

I ripped off his shirt. I was so tempted that I just had to do it. I started to place sweet delicate kisses along the length of the scar.

"So?" He asked.

"Definitely much hotter." I said kissing him on the lips.

He ripped my underwear off and slipped a finger inside me.

"OH!" I screamed.

He kept pushing his finger in and out, in and out. This felt so good, so good it was better than good. He slowly slipped another finger inside me. I couldn't take this anymore, he was driving me crazy. But it felt so good that I didn't want it to end.

His head made its way down my body and his pushed his tongue in me while removing his fingers. This guy was a total pro. I kept moaning his name loudly. I could tell that he was enjoying this because he matched the thrusts of his tongue with the loudness of my moans. After about 10 minutes, he was eating me inside and out. After another 10 minutes, I came into his mouth. He licked me dry in under two minutes.

"Mmmhmm, just as sweet as candy, maybe even sweeter."

Was he saying that I tasted sweeter than candy?? Hmm

It was my turn now and I wanted to have my fun with Jordan. He got to pleasure me and get a kick out of it, now I wanted to feel it. So I made my way down and pulled off his pants and then slowly tugged off his boxers and I slipped him into my mouth. I kept going up and down and nibbled on the tip each time. He'd moan so loud when I did that. He finally came after about twenty minutes.

"Mmhmm, definitely yummy!" I said seductively.

"Let's try something." Jordan said.




That went amazingly well. My first time doing 69 and I'd doing it again.

"Baby, it shouldn't hurt much anymore."

"Oh I know. Go for it."

He parted my legs and slowly entered me. He was right, it did hurt, but the pain was very faint. After three years of having sex with Jordan I knew it would still hurt because he was so big. I was screaming out more so in pleasure than in pain. He kept thrusting in and out and didn't stop. I have to say, it was quite amazing. After three hours in pure ecstasy, we both reached our climaxes. Mine was moaning his name, and his was moaning mine. After one last thrust, he pulled out and we laid in bed side by side. Then I realized that Jordan didn't have a condom on, better yet, I didn't have any condoms in the house.


"Jordan, we didn't use a condom." I said worriedly.

He just held me, almost as if he didn't care if we had used protection or not.

"Jordan, look at me. We didn't use protection." I said, shaking slightly.

"Charli, calm down. You and I are engaged. I didn't plan not to use one, but if we get pregnant, we get pregnant. I know that we're still young and it wasn't in the plan but we'll be ok. Plus you're on the pill so we'll ride it and see what happens. I love you no matter what."

That right there is why I'm with him. Jordan had this way of calming me and ridding my mind of any worries about life or my body.

"Ok. We'll ride it and see what happens. I love you Jordan Staal."

"And I love you, Charli Staal."

"I like the sound of that" I smiled, snuggling deeper in Jordan's embrace and falling asleep.
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