But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

The Dodgy Skittles.

“I’m gonna get those motherfuckin’ skittles, and I’ll fuckin’ eat them,” Frank declared, strutting around the dressing room.
“Then go get them, you poof,” Gerard said grudgingly (Frank jogged him doing his make-up when he was strutting so he looked like a Panda).
“You know homophobia’s gay, Gee. And besides, you’re the one wearing make-up,” Frank slumped down on the sofa.
“You’re also wearing make-up,” Gerard finished and put his make-up safely away, where Frank couldn’t break it.
“Oh yeah,” Frank giggled. “Oh c’mon, Gee, come with me to get skittles.”
Frank started to pull at Gerard’s hoodie and pinching him.
“You’re a big boy now, Frankie. You can get your own skittles yourself,” Gerard said, dodging a feeble punch.
“The crowds scare me and the people are intimidating,” Frank said sadly.
This was the truth. My Chemical Romance were currently touring the UK but stopped off in the legendary Download Festival to play for a night. Bob was at a Hellyeah concert and Ray was trying to track down all the members of Iron Maiden to force them to give him autographs. Mikey was supposed to be on his honeymoon but found it difficult to cope without being in the band for a whole month so he was flying over to play that night from Hawaii. Alicia, of course, was not happy about it, but she wanted to go to Download too, so it was a bit of a bonus.
Frank began to punch Gerard harder with the occasional pinch.
“Ok fine! I’ll come with you to get those damn skittles!” Gerard yelled, chucking his free copy of Kerrang! across the room.
“Thank you,” Frank smiled sweetly. They skipped off outside of the backstage area together and delved into the crowds, where they were not safe. They eventually saw a stall that was selling food. Food meaning sweets, greasy food and beer.
“It’s over there! It’s one small step for man, one giant leap for Pansys!” Frank shouted, running in slow motion towards the stall. Halfway there he was seized by several teenage girls who began to screech uncontrollably and wrestled Frank to the floor, kissing him anywhere on his face they could find.
“Get them off me, Gee-Gee!” Frank wailed. He writhed on the floor for a little while, Gerard watching him intently. After a few minutes of squirming, Gerard took pity and picked him up.
“Thank you,” Frank whimpered. They pushed past the gathering crowds and into the stall.
“I want a packet of skittles, and I want them now!” Frank demanded. The person picked up a packet which was right in front of Frank.
“Oh…” Frank said, embarrassed. He passed over the money for it and took the skittles outside to eat. Him and Gerard sat on the grass outside, watching the bands play in the distance. Frank tipped some of the skittles into his hand and looked at them
“Dude, they do not look good,” Gerard told him. The skittles looked deformed. The coating around it was chipped and the stuff inside it was a kind of glowing green.
“Meh, it’s alright,” Frank shrugged and started to put one in his mouth.

More Laterz.