But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

Shoot 'em up.

Gerard's POV
Ten minutes before

"So... what you gonna do?" Anskuu asked me. I leant against the wall and said nothing.
"I said, what are you going to do?" she persisted. I kicked the garbage can next to me so that it rattled and fell over.
"I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do, alright?!" I yelled at her. She fell silent and stared at her shoes but I knew what she was thinking.
"I love Frank with every ounce of myself; I love him so much I can't phrase it into words. Words aren't enough to say it. I've loved for three years and it kills me to see him bleed himself dry over Bert."
"What's happened to Bert?"
"He's a zombie."
Why did I have to leave him to a fucking zombie? I should have shot him while he was still alive. Or tortured him a bit at the very least. I sat down next to Anskuu and wiped the blood off off my face wearily. Killing zombies and watching old exs die was tiring.
"What happened to you?" I asked for a change of subject. The second I saw her face I knew it was a bad idea to ask.
"I've just watched zombies tear my parents and my siblings apart, it wasn't exactly fantastic."
"Oh... sorry."
"Yes, it was rather horrible to witness," Anskuu looked out towards the burning sunset. "Although I have met the lead-singer of MCR."
She gave me a smile and I grinned back; it was nice to know that someone was optimistic, what with Ray's panicing every time we stepped outside and Bob's habit of having to sleep with someone every night and making little shrieks all the time. Don't get me started on Mikey.
"I think we better get to the tent before dark," I said eventually and unwillingly.
"What's with the depressed look?" Anskuu asked caringly.
"I have to see Frank. He's angry at me for killing Bert, but he knows I love him."
"Then tell him you love him."
"Shout it from Scotland, I don't care, just tell him."
"I can't do that."
"Why? Because in case you tell him he might stop loving you because you love him, but he already loves you?"
What she said made no sense, but I understood somehow.
"Okay!" I said happily. We skipped off, hand in hand, towards the tent. I pulled back the flap and looked in.
"Hey, Mikes, I found I survivor."
If only I had waited a few more minutes, or been there moments before, then I wouldn't have seen Frank and my brother locked in an embrace.
"It's not what it looks like," Frank said.
"What's it supposed to look like then?" I said, quivering with anger.
"I-I... Don't know..." he said quietly. I looked at them both with disgust and turned to my brother.
"You knew, and you did this?!" I screamed in his face.
"It's not my fault if I'm in love with him too!" he screamed back. I glared at him for a few moments before I made my mind up.
"I'm going. I'll go find my Heroin and overdose on that," I said vindictivly.
"B-but you've been clean for years," Frank tittered.
"I don't care anymore!" I yelled. "You can have him, Mikey. I won't be around long enough to care."
Anskuu shouted something after me but my brain blocked it out. I wish my brain could block out pain as well. My broken heart beated wildly at the thought of killing myself and taking Heroin again. Finally, I had a reason to shoot up and to die. The feeling didn't last long, though, as my head began to race with doubts; what if Frank was telling the truth? What if it really was nothing?
I tried to shove the doubts to the back of my mind. Soon, it would all be over.