But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

Is this the end of us?

Gerard's POV
I pushed the needle into my vein and let out a gasp of pleasure as I felt the Heroin flow through my body. I loosened the belt that I had put around my arm and rubbed where it had been. I could feel my eyelids drooping and my eyes straining under the light despite the sun setting. I felt peaceful on the outside, but inside it was different. Much, much more different. My mind kept slipping in and out of consciousness and each time it brought back something terrible that haunted me.
The bottle breaking...
The mirror shattering...
The blood pool on the floor...

I shook myself awake, tearing the voices from inside my head. I wiped my hair away from my eyes and crouched down between two bins. I looked out toward the blood-red sun; at least I had a good view before I left this world. It was great, I had my heroin, and I was going to die like I had planned to so long ago. It was almost excellent. Almost. All I wished was for him to be here. I wanted Frank to be here. Maybe if I wasn't so set on dying and the world wasn't infected with the undead then we could've enjoyed the sunset like a real couple.
But it was too late to turn back now, I could already feel my mind slip away and my lungs beginning to stop working. It wasn't that bad, not really, it was just like falling asleep except you couldn't breathe. I heard a rustling behind me but I didn't do anything; my arms felt like lead and I couldn't fight against the drug.
"Gerard?! What the fuck are you doing?!" I could hear a voice saying.
"What?" I whispered.
"It's Frank!"
"Thanks for coming to see the show, unfortuantely it's my last," I murmered slowly. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Frank crouched right over me, his face inches from mine. He was crying.
"Please don't cry, I can't bear to see you upset, you know that," I said quietly.
"Why do you have to leave me then?" he said, choking back sobs, more tears flooding down his cheeks. I could feel my sore heart break into a thousand pieces and I felt warm tears trickle down my cheeks and sting my eyes.
"I'd kiss you if I wasn't so high on heroin," I murmered to him.
"I don't care if I had to die with you for it. It would be better that way," he said to me. He leant in towards me and kissed me softly on the lips.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you too," he whispered back. He placed his hand on my neck. "You're beautiful even when you're dying."
He placed his lips back on mine, our tongues entwined. We held onto each other as if for dear life. For my life. We carried on kissing, our kisses getting deeper and tears still falling down our faces, our warm breath smoking in the cold air. Suddenly I stopped.
"Gee?" Frank whispered. I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was being buried underground. Frank said my name over and over but I could only look at his startled face. I could only say three words.
"I love you."
My eyelids slid shut and my mind slowed down, but I could hear Frank's whisper in my ear.
"I will save you, Gee. I promise."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is possibly one of the saddest updates I've ever written. I listened to "Adieu" by Enter Shiakri and it helped me. I hope you guys think it's a good update.