But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

Sealing his Fate

Frank's POV
"Do you want me to hold him?" Mikey asked me. Until then I had hardly noticed that my arms and legs were killing me, all I was thinking about was Gerard.
"Uh, yeah, thanks," I muttered. I handed Gerard over to Mikey but he still kept on looking at me.
"What?" I said.
"You've got blood on you."
"Oh," I wiped the blood off with the sleeve of my jumper.
"Missed a spot," Mikey said, and wiped it off with his finger. He kept on stroking my cheek.
"You really are beautiful, Frank."
My skin crawled.
"You could've told me that a few months ago."
Mikey blushed fiercly but said nothing. We walked in an awkward silence for a few minutes.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," he said quietly.
"Oh, no, because it's not like you ever used and abused me all those weeks," I almost shouted in exasperation.
"Shh, they'll hear us," Mikey gestured for me to be silent. I glowered at him but stayed silent.
"Gerard loves you now, anyway, and you love him."
"But you love me," I said.
"I always did," he said softly. Something inside me snapped.
"You never loved me!" I stormed. "I loved you up until that day when Gerard --"
"Guys, what's happening?" it was Ray, back from finding the ambulances. Me and Mikey shifted around where we were standing.
"Nothing," I murmered. "Where are they?"
"Just over there," Ray pointed. "There might still be someone on board."
I kicked open the doors to the ambulances, but all that was inside were streaks of blood and red handprints. Ray kicked open the next doors.
"Oh my God," he whispered. Inside there was a body bag, and whatever was in the body bag was moving, trying to release itself.
"What should we do?" I asked desperatly. Bob pulled out his gun and shot the person from where he thought was the head. He moved to open the body bag.
"Don't," I said.
"Because," I swallowed hard. "Sometimes they go back to normal once you kill them. Sometimes they're kids."
Everyone stepped away from the body.
"Guys, please could we find a doctor? I don't think Gee can hold on much longer," Mikey said from outside. He was checking Gerard's pulse.
"How is he?" I asked.
"His pulse has gone down, we need a doctor."
I began to kick open all the doors as quickly as possible. I needed Gerard right now; he knew what to do all the time, and everyone just followed him. Now he was gone everyone looked up to me as the one who knew what to do, when really I had no idea.

I set out to the other ambulances and kicked the doors in in desperation. One of the doors was locked, but I tried to kick it in anyway. There was rustling at the other side of the door. I put my ear to it.
"Hello?" I said. The rustling continued and a scared, distinctly english voice answered.
"Go away, whoever you are."
"But one of our friends is hurt, we need a doctor!"
Silence. Then a click. The door opened slightly and a middle aged man who looked frightened to death peered out from behind it.
"Where is he?" the man said.
"I'll go get him," I said. "Mikey! Mikey, I found a doctor!"
"Stop yelling at once! You'll get the undead walking again," he glanced around himself quickly, making sure he could get a clean get away if anything appeared. Mikey came lumbering into our view with Gerard barely hanging in there. Mikey put him on the ground and I rested his head on my knees while Mikey told the doctor about what had happened. Gerard's face was deathly pale but he looked as though he was sleeping, almost peacefully, but we all knew that he might not even wake up.

The doctor checked his pulse and measured it with his watch. He stepped back and looked at us all.
"I have a drug in my ambulance that might save him. It has things in it that may fight off the Heroin that is attacking his system. However, the drug I give him might also fight his immune system and attack the nerve cells in his brain."
"What will that mean?" I asked. He was solemn for a second before answering.
"It could mean that he will be in extreme pain for days."
"But you could use morphine or something to stop that, can't you?" I asked desperately, but the doctor shook his head.
"If it attacks the brain, then there is nothing anyone or anything can do. His whole body will be in extreme pain, so extreme you can hardly imagine it. After days of this he will die from it. I need your say so if you want to go on with this."
We all looked at each other. Were we willing to sacrifice Gerard for an experiment? Or would we have to watch him fall into an irreversible sleep? I had barely thought about it before I sealed Gerard's fate.
"Do it," I said.