But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

An Eventful Gig.

It felt as if everything was in slow motion. Frank’s face was care-free as he put the skittle on his tongue…
“Give back my skittles!” Frank yelled. Gerard let out a great sigh of relief. A half-naked teenager had just stolen Frank’s skittles. Frank jumped onto the guys back and hung on. The guy didn’t seem to notice and continued his ecstatic stolen Skittles. Eventually Gerard had to take Frank off his back and put him on the floor.
“He’s got my Skittles!” Frank whimpered.
“Yes, I know, I saw,” Gerard patted him on the head.
“Gee, please take me home,” Frank held out his arms and Gerard picked him up off the floor. They linked arms and wandered back towards the backstage area and into their caravan. By now it was almost dark and they would be playing in a few hour’s time. They opened the door to see Ray lying in his bunk (he, apparently, needed his “beauty sleep” before late gigs), Bob reading the newspaper, trying to look intellectual, and Mikey and Alicia sitting in the corner, apparently scowling at each other.
“Mikey!” Gerard shouted. Mikey stood up and embraced his brother and Frank.
“So how’re ya, Mikes?” Frank asked.
“Erm,” He turned to look at Alicia. “I guess I’m ok.”
Everybody looked at Mikey quizzically, even Ray opened one of his eyes to look at him. Eventually Frank stopped the exchanging of shifty looks.
“I hope you had a good honeymoon then,” He said awkwardly. “We really missed you out here.”
He gave Mikey a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, to which Alicia gave out a little shriek and stood up. Frank jumped away quickly and stepped on Gerard’s toe, so he jumped out of the way and landed on Bob’s lap, to which Bob spazzed out and threw his newspaper over his shoulder which hit Ray full in the face, so Ray fell out of the bed and lay, spread-eagled, on the floor.
“How could you be in love with that!?” Alicia demanded, pointing at Frank, who was now curled up in the corner of the caravan.
“I’ve told you, Alicia, it’s not like that,” Mikey protested. Alicia gave everyone a lingering, dirty look and stomped out of the caravan, slamming the door behind her.
“What was that about?” Bob asked.
“Alicia thinks I’m in love with Frank,” Mikey said despairingly. Everyone shot looks at a startled Frank, whose face had turned chalk-white. Everyone knew that Frank was a very affectionate person, but he certainly did not love Mikey. Who would think that? Then again, Alicia was quite an odd person. Gerard eventually broke the silence.
“Erm… I think we better get down to the main stage,” Gerard said, looking at his watch. Silently, everyone gathered their equipment and crept out of the caravan. Gerard stopped Frank on the way out.
“Do you love my brother?” He whispered.
“No, I, erm, love someone else,” Frank whispered back. He looked as if he was about to say something else but Gerard cut across him.
“Oh okay, good. I’ll see you on stage,” Gerard smiled wryly and patted him on the back and walked on stage. Frank stayed inside for a few moments, getting his head together, before sighing deeply and walking onstage.
An explosion of screaming erupted from the crowd and masses of bodies were hurled at the stage in desperation to get closer to the action. Gerard screamed into his microphone and began to sing his heart out along to “I’m Not Okay”. Gerard was letting himself go as Ray played his amazing guitar solo. He was rocking so much, in fact, that he didn’t hear Frank’s worried tone first time.
“Gerard,” He said frantically. “Someone’s trying to bite me.”
Gerard opened his eyes, alarmed, and saw what Frank what talking about.
The man that had stolen Frank’s skittles earlier that day had gotten past the burly bodyguards somehow and was clutching onto Frank’s leg with intent. Of course, My Chemical Romance had always had crazed fans trying to get onto the stage with them, but they could see through the darkness that this man had a crazed gleam in his eye and had several deep gashes across his chest which they could see through his ripped, bloodstained shirt. Even Ray and Bob had came to attention and were now only playing their instruments half-heartedly. Gerard looked over to the bodyguards desperately but they were all sporting bites from the man.
Suddenly, the man had pulled Frank down. He was slithering across stage on his stomach and he threw aside his guitar and began to try and stop him by dragging his fingernails across the stage-floor. Everyone in the crowd had realised what was happening and looked at them, confused. Some people at the front screamed and scattered back to their tents while others looked over quizzically, wondering whether they were really scared or just pretending.
Frank fell off the stage and onto the dusty ground while the gleam in the man’s guy got bigger and bigger.
“Don’t worry Frank!” Gerard screamed. “I’m going to save you! I promise!”


More laterzz.
: ]