But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

Western Shoot Out-Style.

“A zombie?” Said Frank. “I know Mikey was a little obsessed with Dawn of the Dead, but this is just weird.”
“Oh yeah?” Gerard rounded on him. “Do you have a better excuse for a guy with misty eyes and trying to eat you?”
Frank gulped, thinking about what Gerard had just said.
“Fine. I’ll get my hoodie.”
Frank grabbed his hoodie from the chair a tried to do it up, his hands trembling. Gerard watched him for a few seconds guiltily.
“Come here, Frank. I’ll do it for you.”
Gerard did up the zip for him. Frank gave him a small smile, but Gerard had already turned away to talk to the rest of MCR.
“Look, guys, we’ve got to put on as many layers as possible and carry as little things as possible.”
Bob sat up straighter in his chair and Ray slipped out of his bunk. Even Mikey snapped back into reality.
“What do you mean, Gee?” Mikey asked.
“Oh, I forgot to mention, there are zombies out there and we need to get back to London,” Gerard said without looking up from packing his bags.
“Zombies?” Bob echoed incredulously. “What the hell are you on about?”
“Long story,” Gerard muttered.
Without another word of doubt, everyone began to pile on the sweatshirts and jeans. After helping Frank squeeze of his second pair of skinny jeans, they stepped gingerly outside.
Outside it was completely silent except for a dog howling somewhere in the distance and the flapping of a nearby tent. There were no people outside and it felt strangely desolate.
“I think we should arm ourselves,” Ray said, obviously thinking of Resident Evil.
“Good idea,” Frank said vaguely. Gerard led them over to where he had seen the bodyguards. But there were no bodyguards. All that was left where they had been was a few scattered patches of blood. Bob bent down to look at the blood.
“The blood has coagulated,” He said, straightening up. “There are definatly zombies out here.”
“What are you talking about?” Ray asked.
“The blood only thickens after death,” Bob said quietly. Everyone forgot that he had studied Biology at school. Feeling shivers go down his spine, Gerard picked up one of the blood-drenched handguns by him. There were a few bullets left in it.
“Pick up these guns,” He told everyone. “We can go to the police tent to get more guns and amo.”
“But how?” Frank whispered. Gerard turned around to shout at him why, when he understood. Several zombies were lumbering towards them, moaning constantly and reaching out to them.
“Grab the guns!” Gerard yelled. At once they all picked up their guns and began to fire. All of them, that is, except for Frank. He fumbled with the gun, trying to load it properly. Gerard marched over to him and seized his gun.
“You can’t do anything!” He yelled. “You’re dragging us down!”
Frank looked down for a second, and then looked back up, his eyes burning with rage and his body shaking with inexpressible anger.
“You’ve always been like this!” He yelled louder, stunning Gerard into silence. “You’ve always called me worthless, or useless! I’ve always kidded myself that one day we’d be together! Every single day I’ve tried to be good enough for you, everyday I’ve done things for you and tried to be like you. But now I know that it wasn’t worth it to just be spat on again!”
He gasped for breathe, breathing in painful shots.
“Frank I –” Gerard began.
“You knew nothing!” Frank said quietly, but dangerously. With one last burning glance, Frank turned away and stormed past Ray, Bob and Mikey in the direction of the tents selling various things.
“What was that about?” Bob said.
“I don’t know,” Gerard lied. “But we have to find him.”

It wasn't as bloodthirsty as I had hoped...
