But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

Two Years Back...

Two Years Before
Frank’s POV

I scrabbled around my pockets, looking for my house keys while trying to hold onto the shopping bags that were in my hands. I couldn’t wait to show Bert, my boyfriend, the things I had bought for our two year anniversary.
We had got together after Gerard had introduced us both. We got on straight away and, before I knew it, we were living together and half a year had already gone by. Although, not all of it had been that straight forward. He did cheat on me once, or twice, or three times, but I forgave him every time, knowing full well that he loved me and I couldn’t let him go.
I stumbled through the door and yelled into the house:
“Yo Bert, you here?”
No answer.
I put the shopping down on the carpet and searched the living room and kitchen. Nothing was there. I heard some scuffling coming from upstairs and a hushed whisper.
“Shh! He’ll hear us!”
I immediately sprinted up the stairs, expecting the worst, and opened the bedroom door reluctantly.
My heart fell through my insides and landed heavily at the bottom of my stomach.
There was Bert. In bed. With another guy.
“Bert… Why… You love me…” I stuttered, trying to believe that this was a dream. A nightmare. Bert stared up to me.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…” he said quietly. “I used to love you…I kinda love Adam now…”
My heart stopped beating.
I looked at Bert, my heart screaming at him but I myself not making a single sound. I turned and stumbled and slipped down the stairs, just thinking of one thing.

Ten minutes later
Gerard’s POV

I stubbed out my cigarette and walked into Starbucks. What could be so important, I wondered, that could tear Frank away from Bert? I could see Frank sitting at the back of Starbucks, his head bowed, staring at his coffee fixedly. I slumped into the chair opposite him and tried to catch his eye.
“So what’s up?” I asked. He looked up, his eyes a stinging red, filling up with fresh tears.
“I saw Bert… In bed… With another guy…” he whispered. I gave a small sigh. Bert was always doing this and never taking notice of Frank’s feelings after every affair. He was, and still is, destroyed and crushed inside. If Frank and I went out… Well, let’s just say things would be different.
“Have you guys --”
“He said he loves Adam and not me,” Frank interrupted quietly. I stared at Frank in disbelief. This wasn’t Bert’s average excuse; he was definitely telling the truth.
“Frank, I’m so sorry,” I said, shocked. Frank gave a sad shrug and my heart lurched. Tell him, I thought angrily to myself. Tell him you love him!
My hand reached across the table and gently grasped Frank’s almost by itself. Frank looked to me expectantly.
“Well, Frank… I want you to know that…”
I looked into his sad, heartbroken eyes. Should he know?
“… I’m always here for you,” I finished lamely, kicking myself. Frank looked slightly crest-fallen but said nothing.
One day he would know, just not now.

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