But Your Heart Pumps and Pounds After Death.

Battle of Brothers.

Frank's POV
"... And, yeah, that's what happened," I finished, streaching my legs out and warming my toes by the fire. Bob and Ray had gone out to search for food so it was just me and Mikey. We made a small fire outside one of the tents we were going to stay in as by now it was pitch black. Luckily Bob had a flashlight with him (we didn't ask him why, but we all knew it was because of his midnight snacking habit).
I had just finished telling Mikey about what had happened with Bert and Gerard and, though he barely said anything, I could see his boyish face turn a bright crimson in the firelight.
"So what are you gonna do?" he asked me quietly. I leant against my bag and wondered for a moment what I would do. I mean, I loved Gerard and everything, but could we still go through with a relationship with what he had done to Bert?
"I don't know," I said carefully. "Maybe if Gerard pulled his act together, but otherwise I'm not doing anything. Anyway, I'm going to go and get ready for bed."
I got up and stepped into the tent. It was quite small but I managed to peel off my blood-stained clothes and started to sift through my bag for other clothes to wear. Suddenly, I felt arms curl themselves around my waist.
"Gerard?" I whispered.
"No. It's Mikey."
I jumped out of his arms and turned around to look at him. His face was brick-red and he was looking at his feet. I felt strange as I saw his sad face so I walked up to him and hugged him around his waist.
"I'm sorry," I whispered. He hugged me back and I looked up to him. I gazed into his misty eyes and began to move closer towards him; we were too close, I could see his tear-soaked lashes and feel his warm breath mingling with mine.
"Hey, Mikes, I found a surviver."
Gerard stared at us, his smile wiped from his face as he saw Mikey and I's passionate embrace. He looked at us soundlessly, a disgusted look on his face. No words could describe how he must have felt.
"Wow. Frikey," said the girl holding Gerard's hand.
"Shut up, Anskuu. Just shut up."
♠ ♠ ♠
this includes a friend called Anskuu.
She's well cool.
hope you liek the update!