Green Eyes on Wednesday

As My Cigarette Grew Shorter

(Wednesday’s POV)
Billie’s green eyes were caught in mine, filled with concern and questions. We stood in the living room, silent. Billie continued to stare me, his eyes pleading for an explanation. I shook as I told him, and I felt new, warm tears form in my eyes as my weak voice told him about Robert, the paramedic who said Jenson had told him to call my number right before she died, and how I didn’t believe him at first so I yelled at him. By the time I had gotten everything out, I had hardly even noticed Billie had walked me over the kitchen table. I sat crying in the chair as he kneeled in front of me.

(Billie’s POV)
I know exactly how she feels. Hearing her half way yell through her sobs reminded me of how I felt when my dad passed away. There isn’t anything anyone can say. Goddamn, it’s not like I could say a few sweet words and she would be fine again. I heard her inhale and exhale deeply and she brought her hands to her face to wipe off the last tears. I moved her soft bangs away from her face, which was streaked the black of her makeup. She at least tried to smile at me as she looked up, her eyes were shiny and no longer surrounded by the black lashes.

(Wednesday’s POV)
I was so tired. My brain was screaming and it felt like my eyes were pulsating. My head hurt from lack of sleep and from crying uncontrollably. The remains of my mascara on my face felt sticky and I really just wanted to take a shower and sleep. The man on the phone told me Jenson’s crash site was already cleared up and that I would be notified when I could view the body. I could tell from the way he was looking at me that Billie felt terrible. I was glad he didn’t try and comfort me with the bullshit phrase ‘everything is okay, it’s okay.’ I cannot stand when people say that. I reached out and put my hands on Billie’s shoulder. ‘Do you mind if I take a shower and probably go to bed?’ I felt bad, I didn’t want him to think I was trying to avoid him by any means, I mean, time with him was Heaven. I just really needed to sleep though. ‘I don’t mean to run off, I just..’ Billie’s words cut mine off mid-sentence, ‘Hey, no that’s fine, you’re totally fine.’

(Billie’s POV)
We both stood up and she squeezed my shoulder as she walked past me to the bathroom. I returned to the couch and lite up a much needed cigarette. The past two or so days was full of events, I took a long drag and let the smoke fill my lungs as I recapped them. I had meet these girls out of dumb-luck at that premiere, they came with me to this apartment then disappeared for hours while I became pain stakingly drunk. I had stumbled into the room she was sleeping in and managed to throw up. Poor girl, Billie laughed lightly. I don’t really remember a lot from before this morning. This morning…I played those events too. Everything from our in depth and stimulating conversation to the feeling of her hair on my skin, and her lips on mine. To the sweet pancakes made by that sweet girl and our endless consumption of coffee. Then the most recent events played out, the phone ringing, her coming into the room crying, and now the sound of the shower running. As my cigarette grew shorter, I became increasingly tired. I laid my head on the armrest of the couch and closed my eyes as today’s memories left my head. Sleep would do us both good.

(Wednesday’s POV)
Thankfully my bag of clothes were still in the bathroom. I stood under the hot water a few minutes longer before deciding to reach down and cut it off. My tired legs pulled me out the shower and I bent down and unzipped my bag. I rummaged through the garments and smiled lightly as I found the oversized Green Day shirt and sleeping shorts I always wore to bed. I slid them on and yawned as I opened the bathroom door and crept into the apartment’s tiny living room. Billie was asleep, his head on the armrest. The half smoked and burnt out cigarette hanging lazily between his index and middle finger. Quietly, I walked over and slowly slid the cigarette from his hand, stealing another glance at him before I walked to the kitchen and flung it into the sink. I stumbled from sleepiness into the bedroom and climbed into the familiar white bed. It felt great to be wrapped in it’s soft blankets.