Status: Active!

Come on, Get Higher

A Party Song (The Walk Of Shame)

I took an oath, but I'm giving it up
You didn't have to see things my way
Nothing more than a casual fuck
Isn't that just how we operate?
Let's drink to feelings of temptation
You and I, we're an overnight sensation.
- All Time Low

I woke up with a pounding headache. I partied hard last night, but what else was new? My eyes hadn't quite adjusted to the light was pouring through thr windows. The room was bright as the sun rays reflected off the dull yellow walls.

Slowly I sat up and tried not to focus on the dry, disgusting taste in my mouth. I looked next to me to see an empty spot on the bed. Long gone, as usual. I could've slept with anyone, I had no idea who.

I threw the sheets off my naked body and carefully stood up. I picked up my stale, day old clothing and slipped them onto my sunkissed body. Everything about me reeked of smoke and various alcohic drinks. I carried my flats out and quietly made it down the stairs. When I got downstairs I saw the party-thrower aka my best friend, Ivy.

"Hey," I croaked. My own voiced sounded foriegn to me.

"Hey, Jay," She smiled. "You look...good," She laughed.

"Thanks," I said dryly. "Do you have any idea who I hooked up with last night?"

"Not a clue," She shook her head.

"Great," I sighed. "I'm gonna get going,"

"All right, I talk to you later," She smiled.

When I got home my headache had managed to get worse. Luckily, my mom wasn't home.

Went to the store.
I'll be home soon.
Need anything, call.

I read off the note she had pinned to the fridge. I bundled the bright pink post-it and threw it into the trashcan. I stumbled up to my bathroom, stripped out of my scent soaked clothing and stepped into the shower. The hot water ran down my back causing my muscles to relax. I suddenly felt lighter, as the night I could no longer remember washed down the drain.

When I finished I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel tightly around my body. My head felt tight as my wet hair hung down my back. I pulled on a pair of gray sweat pants, a blue sports bra and crashed into my bed. My eyes drooped while I curled under the blanket. The only way I could nurse away my hangover was much needed sleep.

"Josey," My mother said from outside my door.

"Yeah," I groaned.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired,"

"Didn't sleep much last night?"

"Not really," I grumbled.

"I don't know if I like you staying out every night," I heard her tap her long, painted finger nails against the door frame.

"Mom, it's summer. I'm 18,"

"But you still live here," Her tone was sharp.

"Mom," I rolled my eyes against my pillow.

"Are you going out tonight?" She asked, still lingering on the outskirts of my room.

"Maybe, I'm not sure yet," I sniffed.

"Nick is coming home tonight," I could tell her had a smile on her face.

"I probably won't go anywhere,"

"Great! I'll go plan dinner," She said, chipperly.

"JOOOOOSEY," Someone sang above me. I opened my eyes to see my brother smiling down at me.

"Nick!" I shot up and pounced on him.

"God, I missed you, sis," He hugged me.

"How was Arizona?" I asked as I pulled away.

"It was amazing," He nodded.

"Niiice," I smiled.

"Hey, Nick?" We both turned to see two guys standing in the doorway. One had brown medium lengthed hair, that framed his face. The other had long blond hair with a red beanie on top of it.

"Hey guys, this is my sister, Josey," I waved. "Jay, this is Eric and Justin,"

"Hi," The blond one, Justin, smiled. Eric just stood there staring at me, his mouth slightly open.

"Jose, you might want to change," I looked down at my bare torso.

"Okay, bye guys," Nick nodded and pushed his bandmates out of the way. I quickly got dressed in a pair of black shorts and a green tank top. After tying my hair up into a bun on the top of my head I made my way downstairs. When I got into the living room Nick, Justin and Eric were sitting in different spots around the room.

"So, did you guys just get in?" I sat on the arm of the chair Nick was sitting in.

"No, I did," Nick started. "But they got in last night and Andrew is coming in tomorrow,"

"You guys were in last night?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Yeah, we went to the party. At this Asian girl's house. Her name was like Vine or something," Justin said.

"Ivy," I smiled.

"Yeah," Justin snapped his fingers.

"I was there," I said. Eric looked down at his lap.

"Oh, I didn't see you there," Justin said. He turned to Eric. "Halvo, did you see her?" His head shot up.

"Uh no," He said quickly. "Excuse me, I have to use the, um, bathroom," Eric got up and left the room.

"That was weird,"

"So, how's you're head?" Ivy asked as we sat out by my pool.

"Not bad, I took some asprin, plus the days almost over," I shrugged. I laid down on my towel and let the sun shower over me.

"Yo, Jay," I groaned to myself at the sound of my brother's voice. I sat up and put my sunglasses on the top of my head.


"Hi Nick," Ivy giggled causing me to look at her.

"Hi," He smiled. "Is it okay if we swim?" Justin and Eric were standing behind him in their bathing suits.

"I don't care," And without another word Nick ripped off his shirt and the three of them ran into the pool. I looked at Ivy and she was practically drooling. "What, are you trying to catch flies?" Ivy snapped her head at me.

"Shut up,"

"It's not my fault you've had a crush on Nick since 9th grade,"

"Untrue," She said quickly.

"Ivy, you were practically panting with every word," I smirked.

"So, who's the hot guy?" She said ignoring my comment.

"Justin? Didn't you meet him last night?"

"No, the mouth breather,"

"Oh Eric. Yeah, he's kind of cute," I said. "He's in Nick's band, he plays bass," She nodded and looked out into the pool. "But, I don't know he's kind of weird," I shrugged.

"What?" She laughed.

"I don't know. We were all sitting in the living room and Justin was talking about the party. He asked Eric if he saw me last night, and he couldn't get away fast enough. Did you see him last night?" Ivy looked back out to the water and where the boys were still swimming. She narrowed her eyes and watched Eric. Suddenly her eyes got big and she sucked her cheeks in.

"I know why he's being so weird,"


"He's the guy you hooked up with,"
♠ ♠ ♠

i have halvo on the brain so yeah.


ps. sorry for the typos, ive been up all night.